Tag Reference

From Wildermyth Wiki
Revision as of 10:37, 9 February 2018 by Nate (talk | contribs)

Wildermyth accomplished Dynamic Writing by using Tags to control what text is inserted into a passage.

Tags use <angle brackets> and allow a fairly wide variety of functionality.

Note: mostly case insensitive Note: comma and slash as separators, most of the time!

Top-Level Tags

These are simple tags that work in any context and insert names of interesting things.

tag example might render as explanation
Town <town> Ninesprings Finds either the nearest town, or the origin town for the heroes.
Company <company> The Fellowship of the Eagle Gives the name of the player's company, which they get a chance to choose at the end of the introduction.
Site <site> Moosetunnel Finds the relevant site in a situation, if there is one, or falls back to the nearest interesting site.
Tower <tower> Cranespire Finds the name of the Heroes' main base, their home tower, which they gain control of during the introduction.

Role Tags

Most tags and the most useful tags rely on Story Roles. A role is used to refer to a particular target, usually a hero, and then select text depending on properties of the target.

Note: role, or role plus number.


Use these tags to insert names.

singular plural firstname lastname shortname fullname


Selector tags select between alternatives, depending on some aspect or stat of the target.

exists sp others....