Event Types

From Wildermyth Wiki
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Stories in Wildermyth are applied procedurally. When the player is in a situation that calls for a story, the game searches the database of events for all the stories that could fit the situation, and then picks one randomly. Different situations come with different storytelling constraints.

A Note on Branching: Branching events are currently pretty awkward in our system, and so most of our stories currently revolve around a single choice. If this is too limiting, let's talk about it! We have some ideas for how to improve it but really it depends on what you want to write.

Exploration Oriented Stories

Exploration is a core feature of our game. We want a wide variety of stories here, and they can be somewhat involved.

Wilderness Scouting

When you scout a new tile, and there are no enemies, there might be something else interesting to interact with. We want a large number of these. Most will be oriented around a single choice, maybe two choices.

Special Input Tile, Party
Suggested Output Station, Delving, Character Development

Arrive at Hostile Site

When you arrive at a hostile site for the first time, it's scary! There might be interesting site features, or a relationship story to tell, a prisoner to decide whether to rescue, or a novel tactic to consider. These can establish details about the site and the combat to come. We want a lot of these.

Tactical Stories


Tactical Defense

Attack Site (subsequent)

Combat-Oriented Stories

Mortal Choice

Mid-mission story

Mission Victory

Mission Defeat

Infrastructure Stories

Site Feature Quest (Delving)

Founding Towns

Randomly Surfaced Stories

Personal Relationship (Hook) Quest

Personal Upgrade Quest

Site Quests

Experimental Stories

Adventures and Scenarios