
From Wildermyth Wiki
Revision as of 10:06, 22 March 2022 by Green riding hood (talk | contribs) (Adding upbringing page)
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The Upbringing adds permanent bonus stats on your new heroes, making each unique. Rolling new heroes will scroll through all unique heroes, eventually giving out heroes with high stats in single categories that could make your playthrough easier.

Upbringing Stats

It's a weighted system. Each stat has a base value for each section. The value that is assigned in each history section is that value divided by the number of stat boosts you are receiving for that entry.

Example: A child with a maximum potency (0.6) has either 0 or 0.4 speed.

To clarify: if you get a maximum potency (0.6) child, that child has a 79.5% chance of having 0 speed and a 20.5% chance of having 0.4 speed

There are 212,310 children unique children and 1,035,914 unique regular heroes First the origin is set, then the anecdote, then the motivation. The game will not allow you to get a dote or mote that would result in duplicate hooks.

(Disclaimer) Credits to metoxys for figuring out and working on the upbringing spreadsheet. If you share this around then please credit them properly.
Upbringing spreadsheet
Upbringing spreadsheet with hooks

Rolling Specific Stats

It is possible to edit the game files so only specific stats may come up for recruited heroes.

Pick your origin/dote/mote by editing the game files and leaving only a single origin/dote/mote in the respective files. This method still requires you to pick up a new recruit in a town.