Technical Difficulties

From Wildermyth Wiki
Revision as of 11:53, 13 February 2021 by Nate (talk | contribs)

Here are some steps you can take if you have trouble with the game. The best way to give feedback or report bugs is to press F11. This will take a screenshot and open the feedback tool. The screenshot, along with logs and your message, will be sent directly to the dev team. If you're a mod author or just want to take a look yourself, here's a page on Log Analysis.

Game Won't Launch at All

  1. Check your graphics card. Is it an Intel HD3000? Unfortunately that card does not support OpenGL 3.2, which is a requirement for Wildermyth at this time.
  2. Try launching the game directly from the install folder (via the exe, on Windows). We don't know exactly why, but this solves the issue for some players.
  3. If you have multiple graphics cards available (e.g. gaming laptop), choose the dedicated card.
  4. Update your graphics driver - this has worked for a lot of people.
  5. Plugging in your laptop can make a difference (different power saving / graphics settings).
  6. Check the logs. You can find them in the install folder /logs. You can send them in to us (wildermyth at gmail) and we will take a look.

Game Crashes

If the game crashes, we'd love to see your logs. When you relaunch the game, press F11 to open the Feedback tool, check the option to send all logs, and describe the crash. If you include your email address, we'll get back to you!


Stuck, Broken Save Game

You can send us your save game and we can take a look at it! Save the game to a new slot, then press F11 to open the feedback tool. Check the option to include the latest save.


Problems with Legacy

You can send us your legacy file using the feedback tool! We take preserving your legacy very seriously.


Feedback or Bugs

If you can, have the bug visible on the screen so that the screenshot will capture it. Press F11 to open the feedback tool. Write a short note describing exactly what what wrong, and what you were doing leading up to it.


Sending Save Files

If you're a part of our discord server, you may want to send us files directly. To do this, you'll have to access your save file by pressing Menu, Load Game, then the folder icon next to the save file you would like to send.

Save File Menu.png

After clicking the icon, it should pull up a folder that has a few files in it.

Save File 2.png

Highlight all the files, then right click them. You should be offered an option that either says Zip or Compress.

Save File 3.png

This should then create a new compressed, zipped file that you can send through discord!

Zipped Save File.png

Audio won't play

  1. On linux, try installing pulseaudio-alsa
  2. See FMOD troubleshooting steps?

Performance Problems / Low FPS

Wildermyth can be a bit of a resource hog sometimes. Here are some graphics options to try. Access these from Options > Graphics.

  1. Retina / High DPI Monitors Especially Try setting the Pixel Multiple under both Environment Rendering and World Map Rendering (these are two different settings.) The pixel multiple can have a huge effect on performance, but it will also make the game objects look a bit... pixel-ish.