Tag Reference

From Wildermyth Wiki

Wildermyth accomplished Dynamic Writing by using Tags to control what text is inserted into a passage.

Tags use <angle brackets> and allow a fairly wide variety of functionality.

Note: mostly case insensitive Note: comma and slash as separators, most of the time!

Top-Level Tags

These are simple tags that work in any context and insert names of interesting things.

tag example might render as explanation
Town <town> Ninesprings Finds either the nearest town, or the origin town for the heroes.
Company <company> The Fellowship of the Eagle Gives the name of the player's company, which they get a chance to choose at the end of the introduction.
Site <site> Moosetunnel Finds the relevant site in a situation, if there is one, or falls back to the nearest interesting site.
Tower <tower> Cranespire Finds the name of the Heroes' main base, their home tower, which they gain control of during the introduction.

Role Tags

Most tags (and the most useful tags) rely on Story Roles. A role is used to refer to a particular target, usually a hero, and then select text depending on properties of the target.

Role tags use this form:

  • <roleName> gives the short name of the target
  • <roleName.tag...> most tags work like this, has a variety of effects depending.
  • <roleName.#.tag...> where # is a number like 1,2,3,4... Which is useful if more than one entity is assigned to a role.

Numbered roles are not generally recommended because they're a bit awkward to think about, but sometimes they're convenient if, for example, you know there are 2 heroes in the party and you just need to list them or something.

Names and Specials

Use these tags to insert names.

tag example might render as explanation
<leader> Barlox Use a plain role tag to show the short name, which, for heroes, is always their first name.
shortName <leader.shortName> Barlox Short name. Same as unadorned role.
firstName <leader.firstName> Barlox First name. Same as short name.
name <leader.name> Barlox Same as short name and first name.
lastName <leader.lastName> Spidermusk If the entity has a two-part name, return the last part.
fullName <leader.fullName> Barlox Spidermusk The whole name. Very formal.
namelower <leader.namelower> barlox stream of consciousness, mumbling..
fullNameCAPS <leader.fullNameCAPS> BARLOX SPIDERMUSK Gah! What'd I do Ma?!
fullnamelower <leader.fullnamelower> barlox spidermusk was a strange fellow i'd say
lastNameCAPS <leader.lastNameCAPS> SPIDERMUSK Branding? Yelling?
lastnamelower <leader.lastnamelower> spidermusk no one will use this tag. go ahead prove me wrong.
singular <foes.singular> Gorgon Useful for monsters, if you want the singular version of the monster group name.
plural <foes.plural> Gorgons Gives the plural version of the name of a group of monsters.
biome <overlandTile.biome> forest the short name of the biome. forest, field, hills, or swamp. If the first letter of the tag is capitalized, the first letter of the result will be as well.
biomeLong <overlandTile.biomeLong> pine forest The longer and more specific name of the biome if any. Broadleaf forest, grassland, foothills, pine forest, wetlands. If the first letter of the tag is capitalized, the first letter of the result will be as well.
weaponType <coward.weaponTypegt; axe If the first letter of the tag is capitalized (coward.WeaponType), the first letter of the result will be as well.
link <leader.link> Barlox Creates a clickable link?? Might not function?? what.
eventRoll <hook.eventRoll:roll_one|difficulty_one> 47% If there is a dice roll defined in the event, you can use this tag to preview your chance of success. The New Option dialog creates this tag automatically when you define a roll, so you don't need to understand all the ins and outs.


Selector tags select between alternatives, depending on some aspect or stat of the target. They usually take this form:

  • <roleName.selector:option1/option2/option3> options separated by /
  • <roleName.selector:option1,option2,option3> options separated by ,
selector example might render as explanation
mf <bookish.mf:his/her> towel. her towel. male/female. if the target is a male, the first option, otherwise the second option.
mf <bookish.mf:his/her/their> towel. their towel. male/female. if the target is a male, the first option. If the target is a female, the second option. If neither, the third option is used.
awm I hope to find <romantic.awm:some fine vixen/some wily fox>. I hope to find some fine vixen. Attracted to women/men. If the target is attracted to women, the first option. If attracted to men, the second option. If no attraction can be determined, one is picked randomly (but consistently for that character.)
town OR hometown Oh no I can't go back to <goofball.hometown>! Oh no I can't go back to Markvale! Finds the hometown of the character, or maybe the origin town if no hometown can be determined.
whm Let me grab my <hothead.whm:shield/cloak/robe/pitchfork>! Let me grab my cloak! warrior/hunter/mystic/none returns different text depending on the class of the target. If none, an optional fourth clause is used. if no fourth clause is present, pretend to be a warrior.
cdgmt This place stinks of <foes.cdgmt:mushrooms and mold and muckdwellers./Drauv and doom and death./oozing flesh and miscellanious gorgonous gases./gear-oil and rotting bones./spells and spiderfarts.> This place stinks of gear-oil and rotting bones. cultist/drauven/gorgon/morthagi/trhixl - give different text depending on the flavor of a threat.
exists <hook.exists:<hook> looks suspicious.../Nobody knows...> Aryssa looks suspicious... if this role exists, i.e. there is one or more match, return the first option, otherwise the second option if any.
sp <party.sp:I'm all alone out here!,I am sure am glad you're with me.> I sure am glad you're with me. If the role has zero or one matches, return the first option, otherwise the second option. NOTE: bug, can't use / to separate, must use ,
maimal <hook.maimal:my lost arm/my lost leg/my aching bones> my lost arm Maimed? arm, leg, other/none. used to talk about a lost limb.
bghps <overlandTile.bghps:that oak tree/this meadow/that cliffside/that redwood/that pond> that redwood different text per tile biome: broadleaf forest (deciduous) / grassland / hills / pine forest (coniferous) / swamp.

Relational Tags

Relational tags test some relationship between two people, and let you write different text depending on how they relate.

selector example might render as explanation
rfln.OTHER_ROLE <hook.rfln.hook2:It's been a while since we sang anything together./I always did love that song./Song always broke my heart a little, when we sang it together./---> Song always broke my heart a little, when we sang it together. rival/friend/lover/none. If hook and hook2 in this example are rivals, friends, or lovers, they say different things about the song. There's no line for if they don't have a relationship, because in this context (a relationship quest) we know they have one.
shipLevel.OTHER_ROLE <volunteer.shipLevel.volunteer2:No../Maybe./Yes!≶ No... relationshipLevel with OTHER_ROLE. Relationships between heroes have tiers. The first option is tier 0, if they don't have any relationship. next is 1, if they do, then 2. Any number of options can be provided, up to the full 5 relationship tiers.
rivalLevel.OTHER_ROLE <hook.rivalLevel.bookish:<bookish>/<bookish>/stinker/slug-lips/supernose>...! stinker...! rivalry level with OTHER_ROLE. If these two are not rivals, the first option. If they are rivals, depending on the tier, additional options, up to the full 5 relationship tiers.
friendLevel.OTHER_ROLE <volunteer.friendLevel.friend:Well,/Well,/Being honest,/Being honest,/<friend>, you know/<friend>, you know> I'd prefer to be elsewhere. Being honest, I'd prefer to be elsewhere. friendship level with OTHER_ROLE. Relationships have a flavor. Right now that can be, rival, friend, or lover. If these two are not friends, the first option is returned. If they are friends, depending on the tier, additional options, up to the full 5 relationship tiers.
loverLevel.OTHER_ROLE <volunteer.loverLevel.volunteer2:/crush/flame/sweetheart/lover/soulmate> lover lover level with OTHER_ROLE. If these two are not lovers, the first option. If they are, depending on the tier, additional options, up to the full 5 relationship tiers.
XXyoungerThan.OTHER_ROLE <volunteer.8youngerThan.volunteer2:gosh you're old!/I'm not intimidated.> gosh you're old! is XX years younger than OTHER_ROLE. Can use whatever number you want.
XXolderThan.OTHER_ROLE <volunteer.12olderThan.volunteer2:You're too little to help./You're too dumb to help.> You're too little to help. is XX years older than OTHER_ROLE. Can use whatever number you want.
XXysoThan.OTHER_ROLE <volunteer.7ysoThan.volunteer2:nope!/we could date./creepy.> creepy. younger/same/older. is younger by XX years, roughly the same age, or older by XX years, than OTHER_ROLE. Can use whatever number you want.

Stat Selectors

Stat selector tags allow you to pick different text depending on stat values, or depending on which stat is higher.

<roleName.STAT.##:statIsHigh/statIsLow> test a stat against a value, and give different text depending on the outcome.

example might render as explanation
<leader.bookish.50:Let's calculate the odds./Let's think it over.> Let's calculate the odds. If leader is bookish, he'll say something more precise and scientificish.
<coward.injury.1:Argghh. Let's rest a bit./Can we hold up a sec?> Argghh. Let's rest a bit. If coward is injured, they will use their injury as an excuse to take a break before facing more danger.
<romantic.charisma.30:Let me just fix my hair.../Do I look alright?> Do I look alright? If romantic his a high charisma, they will use a line that's more confident, otherwise they will be more unsure.

<roleName.STAT_1/STAT_2/STAT_3:stat1IsBest/stat2IsBest/stat3IsBest> test any number of stats against eachother, return text depending on which one is highest.

<roleName.2nd/STAT_1/STAT_2/STAT_3:stat1IsBest/stat2IsBest/stat3IsBest> test any number of stats against eachother, return text depending on which one is SECOND highest.

example might render as explanation
<poet.loner/leader:The vanity of our years is in thinking we are more than time, more than the tree or flower, doomed to expire/Though we press on against the teeth of time, we all break eventually, consumed by history>. Though we press on against the teeth of time, we all break eventually, consumed by history. Poet is trying to make a point about mortality, and it comes out differently if they are more concerned about the individual, or more social and group-oriented.
<healer.goofball/peacemaker/poet:A spooky blue stone,A glowing crystal,A luminous crystal that calls to me>. A spooky blue stone. We're talking about the same object, but we describe it differently depending on our personality.
<target.bookish/snark/poet/50:a bookish line/a snarky line/a poetic line/a neutral line>. a neutral line You can add a fallback case, which will be picked if none of the stats are above 50.
<target.bookish.80/snark/poet/40:a very bookish line/a fairly snarky line/a fairly poetic line/a fallback line>. a very bookish line you can mix thresholds, bare stats, and fallbacks freely. Play around!
<hook3.coward/leader/peacemaker/snark:It's funny to think <legend.mf:he/she> used to scare me when I was little, and there I was.../There were times I thought I would disappear in the night. But./I suppose I understood <legend.name>, better than other people... That was <legend.mf:his,her> name. <legend>./Old cussheart wouldn't just die early and let me get on with my life, but.> I suppose I understood Borna, better than other people... That was her name. Borna. hook3 is describing someone she used to know, a bugbear from his childhood, and uses different words depending on his personality.
<hook.2nd/poet/bookish/40:I also like poetry../I also like to read.../and that's about it.> I also like to read... hook is making a comment based on their second highest stat from this group. Good for following up or modifying a previous stat-based line.