Template talk:Infobox ability/doc

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croald proposal

Name of the ability
Image filename for the ability
Hero class of the ability: Warrior, Hunter, Mystic, General, Transform, Pet, or Event (I'm not sure if events grant any Abilities that aren't Transforms or Pets)
Usage type: Passive, Active, or Passive/Active
Free Action, Regular Action, Ends Turn, or N/A (for passive abilities)
Unlimited, Alternate Turn, 1/Mission, 2/Mission, or N/A (for passive abilities)
List as many of the following as apply:
  • Physical Damage (e.g. Backslam, Humanist, Through Shot)
  • Magic Damage (e.g. Mythweaver, Indignance)
  • Active Buff (Hero has to do something to have this happen. e.g. Aid, Stalwart)
  • Passive Buff (these are on all the time, no matter what. e.g. Viciousness, Hardiness)
  • Active Triggered (hero has to "turn them on" before an action will happen. e.g. Vigilance, Ambush)
  • Passive Triggered (provides an action that's always waiting to happen. e.g. Riposte, Rogue)
  • Debuff (e.g. Phantomflare, Shieldshear)
  • Creation (e.g. Arches, Raider)

examples: Foxflight (Passive Buff, Active Buff), Earthscribe (Active Buff, Creation), Spiritblade (Active Buff, Physical Damage, Creation), Arches (Creation, Debuff), Flashcone (Debuff, Active Buff)

User Only, Ally Only, Single Target, Multiple Target, AoE, Line, or Cross. ("Multiple Target" is for abilities like Through Shot or Discus. Radius of the AoE can be mentioned as a single number like "AoE 2", or just left for the body of the article if complicated.)
Number of tiles, or N/A