Template talk:Infobox ability/doc

From Wildermyth Wiki
Revision as of 01:48, 25 November 2019 by FeralKitty (talk | contribs) (Add missing comments for target, range.)

croald proposal

Name of the ability
Image filename for the ability
Hero class of the ability: Warrior, Hunter, Mystic, General, Transform, Pet, or Event (I'm not sure if events grant any Abilities that aren't Transforms or Pets)
Usage type: Passive, Active, or Passive/Active
Free Action, Regular Action, Ends Turn, or N/A (for passive abilities)
Unlimited, Alternate Turn, 1/Mission, 2/Mission, or N/A (for passive abilities)
List as many of the following as apply:
  • Physical Damage (e.g. Backslam, Humanist, Through Shot)
  • Magic Damage (e.g. Mythweaver, Indignance)
  • Active Buff (Hero has to do something to have this happen. e.g. Aid, Stalwart)
  • Passive Buff (these are on all the time, no matter what. e.g. Viciousness, Hardiness)
  • Active Triggered (hero has to "turn them on" before an action will happen. e.g. Vigilance, Ambush)
  • Passive Triggered (provides an action that's always waiting to happen. e.g. Riposte, Rogue)
  • Debuff (e.g. Phantomflare, Shieldshear)
  • Creation (e.g. Arches, Raider)

examples: Foxflight (Passive Buff, Active Buff), Earthscribe (Active Buff, Creation), Spiritblade (Active Buff, Physical Damage, Creation), Arches (Creation, Debuff), Flashcone (Debuff, Active Buff)

User Only, Ally Only, Single Target, Multiple Target, AoE, Line, or Cross. ("Multiple Target" is for abilities like Through Shot or Discus. Radius of the AoE can be mentioned as a single number like "AoE 2", or just left for the body of the article if complicated.)
Number of tiles, or N/A:

My comments

Croald's proposal definitely covers a lot of things we hadn't considered. Very useful, thanks!

I want to start by suggesting that we try to stick more closely to in-game terminology, and try to minimize coming up with our own terms.

One of the biggest issues that this Infobox faces is that all actions are abilities, but not all abilities are actions. As Croald pointed out, cost and frequency don't apply for passive abilities. One option is to hide that information, rather than displaying N/A. Either possibility works for me.

There are only three classes at present. Transform, Pet, and Event aren't classes, but a transformed limb or pet is available to any class. Suggest [ Hunter | Mystic | Warrior | Any]
What about using the icon and text that appears in the tooltip when hovering over the action:
  • UI DiamondRed.png (single action, ends turn)
  • UI DiamondFilled.png (single action)
  • UI DiamondEmpty.png (free action)
usage has already shown whether ability is active or passive. How about not repeating Active and Passive here?
  • Tooltip uses Damage or Magic Damage. Suggest omitting Physical, to match game tooltip.
  • Instead of Active Buff, Passive Buff, perhaps make both of them Buff? The (1) Infobox usage, the (2) page content, and the (3) absence of the ability from the (action?) bar will already convey whether it is passive or not.
  • Triggered seems to be a term we're coming up with. The tooltip uses "Immediate" for Guardian, Sentinel, Foxflight, Withdraw. I don't have any other actions I can check to see if Vigilance, Ambush, Riposte, Rogue say something different. Without further in-game knowledge , I'd speculate [ Immediate Action | Targetable Action ] (and let the page content spell out the exact details)? Or ask the devs directly for their input?
  • I have no experience with Creation, or using a torch to light the environment on fire. Could this be generalized to [ Environment(al) ], and let the content spell out the details?
What do the tooltips actually say? Unless the game spells it out, I'd lean towards Self rather than User Only. Ally or Other Hero, rather than Ally Only. I would omit Line, or Cross since those are specific AoE patterns that can be described/shown elsewhere. The Cone of Fire tooltip just says "3-5 magic damage, 5 range" without mentioning AoE or a pattern. Are we trying to get too specific/detailed for target?
AoE range varies based on other Abilities, like Long Reach?

Thanks again, Croald, for sharing what you know, and maintaining the Abilities and Interfusions!

Anyone is obviously welcome to join this discussion, and share their suggestions and comments. Thanks! FeralKitty (talk) 01:31, 25 November 2019 (PST)