
From Wildermyth Wiki
Revision as of 10:43, 3 December 2019 by Croald (talk | contribs)

A section of playable time, involving goals whose fulfillment signals the chapter’s end. Chapters, together with intervals, form a campaign. Each chapter has a goal, and ends when the heroes achieve it.


The chapter ends when you fulfill all the goals. In a scripted campaign, a completed goal can sometimes be immediately replaced by a new goal (such as "Find the Lair" ➔ "Kill the Boss").


A montage event from the years of peace

A “lull” in the action, during which a number of years of peace pass by; intervals separate chapters and propel time forward, affecting domain and heroes, without forcing the player to endure time’s passage. A montage of short vignettes shows what the heroes got up to during that time, with no choices to be made by the player and usually no lasting consequences.

Sometimes the child of a hero will join up with the party (for free, 0 LP).

Threats Diminish

A few calamity cards will be removed from the deck.

Craft Gear