
From Wildermyth Wiki
Revision as of 19:38, 24 March 2019 by SaboTabby (talk | contribs)

Rogue is a passive Hunter ability that allows the Hunter to enter grayplane after killing an enemy.

Hunter entering grayplane after killing a Roe

In-Game Description

(Passive) Every time Hero kills an enemy, he/she enters grayplane for free.


For the Rogue ability to trigger, the killing blow must be dealt by an active Hunter ability on the hero's turn. Standard attacks count, as do damage-dealing abilities like Flashcone. Kills resulting from Quellingmoss poison, Jumpjaw traps, etc. will not cause the Hunter to enter grayplane.


Rogue allows Hunters to position themselves more aggressively when they can guarantee a kill, as they will be safe from enemy attacks after entering grayplane. It also ensures that the Hunter's next attack will benefit from the armor-ignoring bonus of being hidden.