Drop rates/Script
From Wildermyth Wiki
< Drop rates
Revision as of 07:32, 27 May 2022 by Sten (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This is a [https://www.python.org/downloads/ Python] script to generate the Drop rates tables. Copy the code in the box below into a text file named '''<nowiki>wikiDropRat...")
This is a Python script to generate the Drop rates tables. Copy the code in the box below into a text file named wikiDropRates.py (or whatever you want) inside the Wildermyth directory. Then run it by calling python wikiDropRates.py from the command line.[1] It will create a text file named wikiDropRates.txt with the appropriate wiki-formatted content.
wikiDropRates.py |
import json as json from glob import glob import math ### data from the compiled code -- must be updated manually artifactSpawnChanceDecreasePerSuccess = 0.5 artifactSpawnChanceIncreasePerFailure = 0.15 itemWeights = { 'weapon':0.3, 'armor':0.31, 'augment':0.4, 'offHand':0.1, } weaponWeights = { 'sword':1.0, 'axe':1.0, 'spear':1.0, 'mace':1.0, 'bow':1.5, 'crossbow':0.8, 'dagger':0.7, 'staff':1.0, 'wand':0.8, } armorWeights = { 'warriorArmor':4.0, 'hunterArmor':3.0, 'mysticArmor':2.0, } rootNames = { 'weapon':'Weapon', 'armor':'Armor', 'augment':'Augment', 'offHand':'Off Hand', } armorNames = { 'warriorArmor':'Warrior Armor', 'hunterArmor':'Hunter Armor', 'mysticArmor':'Mystic Armor', } weaponTier = lambda chapter: max(1,math.ceil(chapter / 2.0)) armorTier = lambda chapter: max(1,math.ceil(chapter / 3.0)) ### with open('version.txt','r',encoding='utf8') as f: lines = f.readlines() version = lines[0] ### namePath = 'assets/text/dynamic/dynamic.properties' itemNames = {} categoryNames = {} with open(namePath,'r',encoding='utf8') as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: if line[0] == '#': continue try: key,val = line.split('=') except: continue try: key_split = key.split('.') except: continue if len(key_split) == 2 and key_split[0] == 'item': itemNames[key_split[1]] = val[:-1] elif len(key_split) == 2 and key_split[0] == 'itemTypeDescriptiveNameUpper': categoryNames[key_split[1]] = val[:-1] ### itemPath = 'assets/data/items/items' itemList = {} categoryDividend = {} for itemFile in glob(itemPath + '/*.json'): try: with open(itemFile) as f: data = json.load(f) try: ident = data['uniqueCategory'] except: continue try: name = itemNames[ident] except: continue category = data.get('category') if data.get('onlySpawnById'): continue if category not in itemList: itemList[category] = {} if ident not in itemList[category]: itemList[category][ident] = name if category not in categoryDividend: categoryDividend[category] = 1 else: categoryDividend[category] += 1 except Exception as e: print(itemFile,e) ### rootTable = ''' {| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center" ! rowspan=2 | Item type !! rowspan=2 | Relative<br />drop rate !! colspan=5 | Tier |- ! Chapter 1 !! Chapter 2 !! Chapter 3 !! Chapter 4 !! Chapter 5 ''' for cat in itemWeights: line = '|-\n| %s || %s '%(rootNames[cat],str(itemWeights[cat])) if cat == 'weapon': line += ''.join(['|| %d '%weaponTier(c) for c in range(1,6)]) elif cat == 'armor': line += ''.join(['|| %d '%armorTier(c) for c in range(1,6)]) else: line += ''.join(['|| ' for c in range(5)]) line += '\n' rootTable += line rootTable += '|-\n|}\n' ### weaponCatTable = ''' {| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align: center" ! Weapon type !! Relative drop rate ''' for cat in weaponWeights: line = '|-\n| %s || %s \n'%(categoryNames[cat],str(weaponWeights[cat])) weaponCatTable += line weaponCatTable += '|-\n|}\n' ### armorCatTable = ''' {| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center" ! Armor type !! Relative drop rate ''' for cat in armorWeights: line = '|-\n| %s || %s \n'%(armorNames[cat],str(armorWeights[cat])) armorCatTable += line armorCatTable += '|-\n|}\n' ### weaponTable = ''' {| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align: center" ! Name !! Type !! Effective drop rate ''' for cat in itemList: if cat in categoryNames: for weapon in itemList[cat]: line = '|-\n| [[%s]] || %s || %.3f \n'%(itemList[cat][weapon],categoryNames[cat],weaponWeights[cat]/categoryDividend[cat]) weaponTable += line ''' for cat in itemList: if cat not in categoryNames: for weapon in itemList[cat]: line = '|-\n| %s || [[%s]] || %.3f \n'%(rootNames[cat],itemList[cat][weapon],(itemWeights[cat]/categoryDividend[cat])) weaponTable += line ''' weaponTable += '|-\n|}\n' ### string = '' string += ''' == Item types == When generating a random item drop, the game first chooses the type of item. The relative chance of getting each item type is given in the following table. However, a given item drop source may not allow every possible type. For weapons and armor, the tier depends on the chapter and is also given in the table. ''' string += rootTable string += ''' If a weapon drops, the relative odds of each type of weapon are as follows: ''' string += weaponCatTable string += ''' If instead a piece of armor drops, the relative odds of each class are as follows: ''' string += armorCatTable string += ''' == Artifacts == If weapon is selected to drop, there is a chance that it will be an [[artifact]] weapon. The chance starts at 0, increases by %s each time a non-artifact weapon drops, and decreases by %s each time an artifact weapon drops. The following artifacts can appear as random drops. Each artifact within a given category is equally likely to drop. Accordingly, the table lists each artifact's effective drop rate, which is calculated as the category weight divided by the number of droppable artifacts in that category. '''%(artifactSpawnChanceIncreasePerFailure,artifactSpawnChanceDecreasePerSuccess) string += weaponTable string += ''' An artifact will not drop if a hero in the campaign already possesses it. This behavior can raise the effective drop rate of other artifacts in the same weapon category. ''' string += '\n==Notes==\nLast updated [[%s]] using [[/Script|this script]].\n'%version[:-1] with open('wikiDropRates.txt', 'w') as f: f.write(string) |
- ↑ More precisely, you can put the script anywhere, but you need to call it from the Wildermyth directory.