The Wolf Price
From Wildermyth Wiki
狼性呼唤 |
Author |
Douglas Austin |
Event type |
Wilderness scouting |
The party encounters a hill with a summit shaped like a wolf's head. At the summit one of the party is addressed by the Wolf God, who invites them to abandon their humanity... and be blessed as wolfkind
1. "感觉......像是回家一样"
Outcome The hero accepts the gift and becomes Wolftouched, and gains +1d5+1 retirement age.
2. "哈尔德琳我们快走吧!抛弃你的人性一听就不对劲!"
Outcome The hero walks away from the gift. Their companion gains +1d5+1 charisma.
3. "没人爱你,是不是啊,洛基亚斯?"
Outcome Lochias' chosen hero receives a Wolfhead Amulet and gains +1d5+1 charisma.
This event is triggered by a hero with the wildheart and/or mysterious hook.
Targets hook (optional) #The hero in this role is NOT offered Wolftouched Score: hook_Wildheart+hook_Mysterious >= 1 Eligible for Theme: wolf volunteer (required) #THIS hero is offered Wolftouched Score: ((30*hunter)+(10*warrior))+LONER Eligible for Theme: wolf Eligible for Theme Piece: head notAlreadyMatchedAs: hook coward (required) Score: COWARD notAlreadyMatchedAs: hook, volunteer
Note: The Wolftouched theme will be offered to the volunteer role, not the hook role.See Targets and scoring guide for help with role names and scoring.