The Enduring War is a five-chapter campaign with the Morthagi as the main enemies, with the story of 1000 years ago woven into the present narrative.
Warning: this page contains spoilers!
Note: the names and genders of the characters in this campaign are randomized. The pronouns used below reflect the gender of the characters in the campaign from which the images were taken.
Chapter 1
The campaign begins with a mysterious Morthagi approaching the party and saying, "Run." Before they can follow, they find themselves in combat with a Spectik and Sommelier. Afterwards, the heroes realize they can't simply go back to being commoners and farmers: they feel called to hunt down Morthagi, and they begin by finding a certain Forge.
Expand1000 Years Ago
Someone stands in a workshop filled with Morthagi parts. They have received a letter: "I am confident the premise is sound. We can endure." They angrily leave the workshop, turning out the light, and say, "You can't be serious."
The forge is surrounded by Morthagi and the party can either stick together and push in or surround the Morthagi. The party doesn't need to defeat all enemies to transition to the next part of the fight, they can open the door of the forge to trigger the next event. Inside, they find an aging blacksmith trying to hold off a Morthagi while the mysterious Morthagi from the beginning of the chapter lays fallen next to her. The player gains control of the blacksmith for the remainder of the battle.
Afterwards, the blacksmith admits that the Deepist tattoos on her face were because she was interested in the Deepist's claims about life extension. She volunteers to keep the mysterious Morthagi and study it.
Chapter 2
One of the heroes meets with the blacksmith during the interval, though they can never really puzzle through how the mysterious Morthagi worked. Eventually, the blacksmith calls the entire party back to her forge to warn them of a wave of Morthagi that are sweeping the countryside. She points them towards where they seem to have all originated from. She says she's been working on a weapon and will meet them there.
Expand1000 Years Ago
The writer of the letter from 1000 years ago meets up with the reader and reasserts their desire to go through with the plan for immortality, and the reader repeats how unnatural it is.
After the party leaves the blacksmith, a different mysterious Morthagi approaches her and says that she has the body of its friend. She responds by saying she has many questions for it.
Chapter 3
The blacksmith is being approached by one of the Enduring and their conversation will have long lasting consequences. The heroes start receiving the messages that surrounding regions are overrun with Morthagi, so once again their services are needed in clearing the land of these mechanical abominations.
Expand1000 Years Ago
The writer from 1000 years ago is determined to prove to the reader that death can be cheated. The reader is more and more angry about the writer’s ideas, and thinks that it's better to die than become a machine.
After the last Morthagi encampment was cleared, a sudden burst of green light emerged behind the faraway mountains right into the open sky. Eventually the heroes figured out that the light came from the blacksmith’s forge, but when they arrived to investigate, a heavy Morthagi assault is up on them again. Successfully disposing of each and every machine, heroes try to search for the blacksmith but to no avail. So, the only option they have now, is head back to a town and have a nice rest.
Chapter 4
The Morthagi have started to overrun the land again. One of the heroes receives a note on their door that leads them to an old Morthagi workshop where the blacksmith and Enduring are waiting.
Expand1000 Years Ago
The writer from 1000 years ago successfully transfers themself into a Morthagi body. They offer to make the reader a body as well, but the reader angrily denies that the machine is truly the writer and storms out of the workshop.
The Enduring explain that Morthagi have the singular purpose of destroying the Enduring and have been ravaging the countryside in a effort to find them and deny them resources. The heroes are led to a device called The Heart that can control some Morthagi soldiers and make them fight to defend the Enduring. However, to use The Heart, a willing soul must fuse with it. An army of Morthagi then assault the workshop. If one of the heroes sacrifices themselves to fuse with The Heart, then Morthagi soliders aid in fending off the assault. Afterward, the Enduring settle into this workshop as their new home and the heroes return home victorious.
Chapter 5
The Morthagi have learned the location of the Enduring and are launching an invasion. Can the heroes stop the Morthagi once at for all at the source?
Expand1000 Years Ago
The reader from 1000 years ago resolves that what the writer has become is an abomination and that they must not be allowed to convince others to become Enduring. They then program Morthagi to hunt the Enduring so they can ensure they are stopped if they can't complete the task in their lifetime.
ExpandDefault Ending - The Morthagi
The heroes locate where new Morthagi are made. A massive workshop with three Morthagi Cores capable of producing more. If a hero sacrificed themselves in Chapter 4, then the Enduring arrive with soldiers to aid in the fight. After the battle, the Enduring decide to stay away from civilization for a few hundred years until the horrors inflicted by the Morthagi are less remembered and the Enduring can try to enter society. The heroes return home having finally stopped the threat to their lands.
ExpandAlternate Ending - The Enduring
This optional path is only available if no sacrifice was made in Chapter 4.
The heroes decide that the Enduring are the source of the problem, and if they are eliminated then the Morthagi will stop attacking. When they arrive at the Enduring's hideout, however, they are met with a a massive Morthagi called War Ender that the Enduring built to defend themselves against just such an assault. The heroes defeat the creation and slay all of the Enduring. When they come back to the surface, they discover that the Morthagi have turned peaceful and are retreating into the Mountains. Our heroes return home having finally stopped the threat to their lands.