
From Wildermyth Wiki

Ignite is a Mystic ability.

In-Game Description

(Active) Hero pulls motes of heat out of the air and gathering them into a single point, creating an interfused blaze on a tile with debris.


 Ignite can be used on tiles without debris on them.


Ignite UI DiamondFilled.png single action. Conjure a blaze at a distance, interfusing with it if possible, and dealing magic (fire) damage to anything at that location.

A valid location must have debris on the ground. Does not require an available interfusion slot, but if the mystic has one, they are automatically interfused with the created blaze.

  • range 4.6 + Potency/2
  • damage 1 + Potency + Spell Damage (note that this is 1 less than Steal Fire or Fireleash)
  • Ignite counts as an attack and breaks grayplane even if it does not affect an enemy


Synergizes with effects that create debris, like Splinterblast. If there aren't enough trees on the battlefield, make your own with Arches.

If you can create a blaze under a 2+-tile foe and have another action point, you can do damage again with Fireleash. Ignite+ is especially powerful because it lets you do this under large foes any time you want.