From Wildermyth Wiki
Fireball |
Author |
Nate Austin |
Event type |
Arrive at hostile site |
The night before a battle, one of the party tells a story to provide the evening's entertainment.
1. "Grab your gear. Let's follow it."
Outcome Success: The mystic launches a fireball at the deepists with the help of one of the badger folk. The mystic can use improvised fireball attacks in future battles, and the following is added to the hero's history: With the help of a badgerkin, <Hero> learned to make an improvised fireball at <site>.
Failure: Battle begins as normal.
2. "It's not a Deepist, let's stick to the plan."
Outcome Leave the badgerkin. Battle begins as normal.
This event occurs only if you have a mystic with a rival in the party, and before a battle with Deepists.
Targets foes Aspects: cultist hero (required) Score: mystic+HAS_RIVAL >= 2 rival (required) Score: RIVAL_WITH.hero-mystic >= 1 poet (required) Score: POET volunteer (optional) volunteer2 (optional)
See Targets and scoring guide for help with role names and scoring.