
From Wildermyth Wiki
Revision as of 09:53, 18 November 2019 by Croald (talk | contribs)

Heroes are the . . . uh, heroes . . . of the game. Each hero has a personality, develops augments over time, and carries equipment.

Heroes travel in a party. The party starts as a bunch of farmers and every hero develops over time. A farmer can become a warrior, a hunter, or a mystic.

TODO also:


One recruitment event is offered per chapter, in which the player can pay legacy points to hire a new hero for the party.

Any time the party has fewer than 3 members another recruitment event will be offered.

The Bard ability reduces the cost of recruitment by 1 LP.

Death and Maiming

When a hero loses their last hit point, they get a mortal choice: either die immediately in exchange for a boon for the rest of the party, or be maimed and wait to be rescued by the surviving heroes at the end of the battle.

Maimed heroes lose a randomly-selected limb, which gets replaced with a prosthetic. Heroes with only one hand cannot use two-handed or offhand items.

If the hero has an aspect that can replace limbs they get special versions instead of a standard hook or peg leg. In some cases the replacement can be an upgrade from human normal.

Heroes can be maimed at most once per chapter. If they fall a second time they die, and do not get a mortal choice boon.