
From Wildermyth Wiki

Heroes are the . . . uh, heroes . . . of the game. Each hero has a personality, develops augments over time, and carries equipment.

Heroes travel in a party. The party starts as a bunch of farmers and every hero develops over time. A farmer can become a warrior, a hunter, or a mystic.

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One recruitment event is offered per chapter, in which the player can pay legacy points to hire a new hero for the party.

Any time the party has fewer than 3 members another recruitment event will be offered.

The Bard ability reduces the cost of recruitment by 1 LP.

Legacy recruits

You can choose to recruit heroes from your legacy, for a higher LP cost than a new random character. The legacy hero returns as a Greenhorn version of their past self, including permanent Aspects and personality. (Think of it perhaps as a descendent or reincarnated self.) You can choose one of their previous Abilities for them to return with. They arrive equipped with tier-1 versions of their prior equipment, including any elemental enchantment but not other augments.

Injury and Healing

When heroes take damage they are given a transient stat called Injury, that is subtracted from Health to give current health.

Injuries heal when time passes on the Overland Map. Healing rate is affected by:

  • The hero's Recovery Rate stat, which is modified by Age
  • The hero's activity during healing. Healing is faster resting in Towns or Stations, and slower while travelling. The remaining Injury and current healing modifier is shown on the hero portrait.

Death and Maiming

When a hero loses their last hit point, they get a mortal choice: either die immediately in exchange for a boon for the rest of the party, or be maimed and wait to be rescued by the surviving heroes at the end of the battle.

Maimed heroes lose a randomly-selected limb, which gets replaced with a prosthetic. Heroes with only one hand cannot use two-handed or offhand items. If an event replaces an arm causing a hero to have no weapon, they pick up a basic weapon. Maimed heroes are forced to return to the nearest safe Town to heal.

If the hero has an aspect that can replace limbs they get special versions instead of a standard hook or peg leg. In some cases the replacement can be an upgrade from human normal.

Heroes can be maimed at most once per chapter. If they fall a second time they die, and do not get a mortal choice boon.