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A Hero can become Botanical as the result of the event The Strider.

A fully transformed Botanical Mystic.

The alternative "Mythic" skin, unlocked after completing the "A Temperamental Shrub" achievement.
In-Game Description
Hero's blood runs a little green.
The hero gains "Leafmark" after completing the event.
Changing the Hero's secondary color will change this theme's base appearance. The "Mythic" skin can be changed with both the primary and secondary colors.
Unlike other themes, Botanical abilities cannot be upgraded.
A leafy crest blooms from Hero's forehead.
- +10 Recovery Rate
Vine Arm (L)
Hero's left arm ends in a cruel barbed flower.
Thorn Lash. single action, ends turn. Lash out, dealing damage and applying poison 1 in a line.
- 4.6 range (benefits from Long Reach and Sharpshooter)
- Damage:
(1–3) + Bonus Damage + Potency
Vine Arm (R)
Hero's right arm is made up of writhing vines.
Entangle. swift action. Once per turn, send vines out to grab a foe or ally and move them to a specified tile.
- 3.1 range (benefits from Long Reach)
- 3.1 move distance (benefits from Long Reach and Sharpshooter)
- attack strength =
range accuracy + 10
Vine Leg (L/R)
Hero stands upon a stem-like leg.
- –0.3 Speed (vs human normal leg)
- +5 Dodge