Calamity track/Script
From Wildermyth Wiki
This is a Python script to generate the calamity track table. Copy the code in the box below into a text file named (or whatever you want) inside the Wildermyth directory. Then run it by calling python from the command line. It will create a text file named wikiCalamityTable.txt, which is wiki-formatted and can be pasted into the calamity track page. |
import json from glob import glob deck_file = 'assets/data/generation/monsterDecks.json' name_file = 'assets/text/dynamic/' monsterNames = {} cardNames = {} flavorNames = {} cardNumbers = {} with open(name_file,'r',encoding='utf8') as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: if line[0] == '#': continue try: key,val = line.split('=') except: continue try: key_split = key.split('.') except: continue if len(key_split) == 2 and key_split[-1] == 'name': monsterNames[key_split[0]] = val[:-1] elif len(key_split) == 2 and key_split[0] == 'monsterCardName': cardNames[key_split[-1]] = val[:-1] elif len(key_split) == 2 and key_split[1] == 'plural': flavorNames[key_split[0]] = val[:-1] elif len(key_split) == 3 and key_split[0] == 'monsterCard' and key_split[1] == 'nameFormula': cardNumbers[int(key_split[2])] = val[4:-1] with open('version.txt','r',encoding='utf8') as f: lines = f.readlines() version = lines[0] string = '' def add_entry(card_list,flavor,i,entry): try: card_list[flavor][i] += [entry] except: card_list[flavor] += [[] for _ in range(i-len(card_list[flavor])+1)] card_list[flavor][i] += [entry] card_list = {} max_cards = 0 # per faction with open(deck_file) as f: data = json.load(f) for i in range(len(data)): flavor = flavorNames[data[i]['groupFlavor']] tracks = data[i]['tracks'] card_list[flavor] = [] for j in range(len(tracks)): cardName = cardNames[tracks[j]['name']] cards = tracks[j]['cards'] for k in range(len(cards)): monsters = [monsterNames[c] for c in cards[k]] if k == 0: if 'onlyIfFlavorHasCards' in tracks[j]: add_entry(card_list,flavor,tracks[j]['onlyIfFlavorHasCards'],{'name':cardName,'numeral':cardNumbers[k],'cards':monsters,'count':k+1,'position':j}) max_cards = max(tracks[j]['onlyIfFlavorHasCards'],max_cards) else: add_entry(card_list,flavor,0,{'name':cardName,'numeral':cardNumbers[k],'cards':monsters,'count':k+1,'position':j}) else: if 'trackAdvanceThresholds' in tracks[j]: add_entry(card_list,flavor,tracks[j]['trackAdvanceThresholds'][k-1],{'name':cardName,'numeral':cardNumbers[k],'cards':monsters,'count':k+1}) max_cards = max(tracks[j]['trackAdvanceThresholds'][k-1],max_cards) else: pass string = 'Many [[calamity]] cards introduce new [[monster]]s or increase the number of monsters that spawn within a [[mission]]. ' string += 'These cards can only be drawn if the associated [[faction]] holds a number of calamity cards that meets or exceeds some threshold. ' string += 'In this way, each faction has a [[calamity track]] consisting of successively more dangerous cards.\n' string += '==Table==\n' string += 'If drawn within a [[mission]], each card typically generates a number of the specified monster equal to the card\'s roman numeral. ' string += 'There are some exceptions, which are noted in the table. ' string += 'Also, \'\'italicized\'\' cards are not drawn as [[calamity]] cards but are instead available from a campaign\'s outset.\n' string += '{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center"\n' string += '! Threshold<br>cards !! [[%s]] !! [[%s]] !! [[%s]] !! [[%s]] !! [[%s]]\n'%tuple(card_list) for i in range(max_cards+1): string += '|-\n' string += '| %d '%i for flavor in list(card_list): string += '|| ' try: for j,card in enumerate(card_list[flavor][i]): if j > 0: string += '<br>' if 'position' in card and card['position'] < 2: string += "''" string += '[[%s|%s]] %s'%(card['cards'][0],card['name'],card['numeral']) if 'position' in card and card['position'] < 2: string += "''" if len(set(card['cards'])) > 1 or len(card['cards']) != card['count']: string += '<ref>' for k,c in enumerate(set(card['cards'])): if k > 0: string += ', ' string += '%d %s'%(card['cards'].count(c),c) string += '</ref>' except IndexError: pass string += '\n' string += '|}\n\n' string += '==Notes==\n' string += 'Last updated [[%s]] using [[/Script|this script]].\n'%version[:-1] with open('wikiCalamityTable.txt', 'w') as f: f.write(string) |