The stuff that heroes carry to protect themselves and fight off monsters.
Humans can equip weapons, off-hand items, armor, and augments. If a human loses limbs or undergoes some transformation, some of these items may not be equipped.
Gear cannot be transferred or traded among heroes. Wildermyth does not intend for players to spend time managing inventory.
Armor is the hero's base set of clothing and provides the main protection against monsters. Armor is colored by a hero's primary and secondary "favorite" colors. Our heroes start off as farmers, with the clothes to match:
Much more suited to planting potatoes than fighting monsters. When a hero gains a class (warrior/hunter/mystic), they upgrade their clothes:
Something a little nicer and more class-specific, but still pretty basic clothing. The next level up is where things start to get interesting:
Within each class, there is one branch of armor that will generally favor movement and one that will favor protection. Each branch currently has two tiers, with the possibility for special unique sets of armor remaining open.
See Augments for a list of unique and/or named weapons.
Augments are extra bits and pieces that heroes can wear on top of their armor. They provide the ability to further customize a hero's strengths and role in combat, as well as some more visual variation. maybe a hero wears a magic crystal on a chain around her neck, or the skulls of minotaurs on his shoulders. Augments are also colored by the hero's primary and secondary colors.
The example above shows two different full augment 'sets," but augments are gained and lost individually, and a hero is not locked into any particular style of augment. Mixing and matching is part of the fun!
The current augment "slots" are: belt, bracelets, broach, cloak, necklace, pauldrons, ring, sash, scarf, chest strap, and kneepads
Augment Slot | Description |
Belt | Worn around the waist |
Bracelet | One or Both wrists |
Brooch | Pinned to the shirt |
Cloak | On the Shoulders and down the back, behind. |
Knee | Covers the knees. Knee pads? |
Necklace | Around the neck, on top of armor. |
Pauldron | On the shoulders, on top of armor. |
Ring | On one hand. Can only equip one ring. Ask me to tell you the story of how Grobar the One-Handed got his nickname. |
Sash | Around the waist, above armor, below belt probably. |
Scarf | Around the neck, below necklace. |
Strap | Across the chest, above armor. |
Talisman | Hung from the belt, on top. |
How Augments are Generated
Oh my goodness. The current design allows for a large variety of augments, which have moderately powerful effects, which are tied to particular biomes. This design is in need of updating, but the general approach of having several "sets" of augments which give bonuses under particular conditions is likely to endure.
Special or one-off augments
Some story events call for particular augments with particular abilities. These will eventually be unlockables: Once you have acquired them via some story, they enter the pool of augments that can show up in future games.
See Weapons for more information.
Not going to get very far fighting monsters without weapons, are you? Our farmers start off with whatever weapons they can scrounge up—hammers, pitchforks, etc. But soon, they'll discover and create much better ones.
Weapons come in four tiers. Tier 0 is the makeshift weapons of the farmers. Tier 1 weapons are your rusty sword, your standard hunting bow, and a nice stick for a wand. Tier 3 starts to get way more fun/ridiculous, including maces made from fallen stars and staves with glowing orbs and curling antlers.
Off-Hand Items
These are, as you might guess, items that a hero can hold in the hand that's not currently holding a weapon. Off-Hand items include but are not by any means limited to: lanterns, orbs, books, scrolls, or torches. These items may be necessary for a specific quest, may give a hero additional abilities, or may simply give a passive combat bonus.
They can have some Equipment Descriptions.
Throwing Net
Once per combat as a free action, Hero hurls a throwing net. If it connects, it will pin the foe for two turns.
Shields reduce damage from non-flanking attacks by 1.
Applies a poison to your weapon. It will be delivered by your next attack. Poisoned enemies will take true damage at the start of their turns. Usable twice per mission as a free action.
Adds poison 1 lasting three turns. The poison applies to the hero's next attack, even if they switch weapons in the meantime.