The overland map is divided into randomly generated, named territories. Most of these territories are explorable, but some are impassable.
Each territory has a biome, determining whether it is explorable or impassable, and what environment is used for generating battle maps for missions that happen within it.
- Grassland
- Pine Forest
- Broadleaf Forest
- Swamp
- Foothills
- Lake
- Ocean
- High mountains
The environment for combat generally matches the biome, so fights in Grassland take place in the Grassland environment, except there are a few additional options that may be selected for certain events or scripted missions.
- Cave
- Dungeon
- Town
The environment determines the layout of the map and what types of scenery and furniture are found there.
Each territory can contain a named location, called a site. Sites can be either towns or stations. A hostile station is sometimes called a lair.
The type of station determines what resources the players may gain from securing it.
Travel between explorable territories may by blocked by a river or mountain range. Heroes can build a bridge or pass to provide a route between territories.
Exploration and Development
Territories begin the game blocked, obscured by black impenetrable fog. At the beginning of each chapter the fog retreats, making some new territories accessible.
Newly accessible territories are grey, unexplored. Except towns, which begin already developed.
Heroes can scout unexplored territories to make them explored, revealing their biome and any site and enemy force they contain.
Newly explored territories are wild. They are considered hostile if they are occupied by an enemy force. Once the enemy force is defeated, or if there never was one, the territory becomes cleared but still remains wild. Wild territories do not produce resources. The potential resources they could produce are shown as grey icons.
Wild territories may be secured, also called developed, by completing one of the Secure or Research jobs. Completing either of these jobs earns 2 LP. The territory will now produce resources for the heroes at the end of the chapter. The resources they will produce are shown as white icons.
In an incursion, an invading army can move into a developed territory. If the territory is not defended by the heroes (either because they are elsewhere or are defeated in the defense mission) the army will occupy the territory, making it destroyed. Destroyed territories do not produce resources.
If the heroes retake a territoy with a destroyed site, they can complete a Repair job to return it to the developed state. Repairing a once-developed site does not earn more LP. Destroyed sites are automatically repaired during the next chapter interval, though they won't produce resources in that interval.
Any territory, whether wild, cleared, or developed, can be infested. Infestation does not affect what jobs can be performed there, but may make it unsafe for the heroes to do them. Groups of fewer than four heroes may be ambushed. Infested developed territories still will produce resources at the end of the chapter.
Any territory that contains an enemy force is occupied and hostile. Developed territories are destroyed when they become occupied.
An occupied territory becomes cleared when the enemy force is assaulted and defeated.
A territory can have defenses built by the Prepare Defense job. These make the territory easier to defend if it is invaded in an incursion.