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(→‎Named Augments: added Mossgirdle)
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| Bonus Warding
| Bonus Warding
| Warding: 0.8
| Warding: 0.8
| augmentOnBlock<nowiki>|</nowiki>augmentTriggeredBuffExtraAccuracy<br />augmentOnDodge<nowiki>|</nowiki>augmentTriggeredBuffExtraAccuracy
| Bonus Accuracy This Turn
| After blocking an attack, gain the following for one turn:<br />Melee Accuracy: 10<br />Ranged Accuracy: 10
| augmentOnBlock<nowiki>|</nowiki>augmentTriggeredBuffExtraDamage<br />augmentOnDodge<nowiki>|</nowiki>augmentTriggeredBuffExtraDamage
| Bonus Damage This Turn
| After blocking an attack, gain the following for one turn:<br />Bonus Damage: 1<br />Potency: 1
| augmentOnBlock<nowiki>|</nowiki>augmentTriggeredBuffExtraSpeed<br />augmentOnDodge<nowiki>|</nowiki>augmentTriggeredBuffExtraSpeed
| Bonus Speed This Turn
| After blocking an attack, gain the following for one turn:<br />Speed: 1
| augmentOnBlock<nowiki>|</nowiki>augmentTriggeredBuffExtraStunt<br />augmentOnDodge<nowiki>|</nowiki>augmentTriggeredBuffExtraStunt
| Bonus Stunt This Turn
| After blocking an attack, gain the following for one turn:<br />Stunt Chance: 20

Revision as of 11:56, 1 July 2023

Augments are extra equipment that heroes can wear over their armor. They usually provide buff to stats or grant special abilities. They may be acquired as part of an Event, after a Battle or when securing a site.

General Information

Augment Qualities

Basic Augments

Augments are randomly generated in both appearance and aspect based on a variety of factors, including where the item was obtained and the current chapter of the campaign.

Here are the list of possible aspects:

Basic Augment Aspects
Aspect ID Name Effect
augmentBuffAccuracy Bonus Accuracy Melee Accuracy: 5
Ranged Accuracy: 5
augmentBuffArmor Bonus Armor Armor: 0.5
augmentBuffBlock Bonus Block Block: 5
augmentBuffBonusDamage Bonus Damage Bonus Damage: 0.7
augmentBuffDodge Bonus Dodge Dodge: 5
augmentBuffHealth Bonus Health Health: 0.7
augmentBuffPotency Bonus Potency Potency: 0.7
augmentBuffSpeed Bonus Speed Speed: 0.7
augmentBuffStunt Bonus Stunt Chance Stunt Chance: 6
augmentBuffWarding Bonus Warding Warding: 0.8
Augment Slot Description Image
Belt Worn around the waist Augment beltCave.png Augment beltField.png Augment beltGold.png
Bracelet One or Both wrists Augment braceletCave.png Augment braceletField.png Augment braceletGold.png
Broach Pinned to the shirt Augment broachCave.png Augment broachField.png Augment broachGold.png
Cloak On the Shoulders and down the back, behind. Augment cloakCave.png Augment cloakField.png Augment cloakGold.png
Kneepad Covers the knees. Knee pads? Augment kneeCave.png Augment kneeField.png Augment kneeGold.png
Necklace Around the neck, on top of armor. Augment necklaceCave.png Augment necklaceField.png Augment necklaceGold.png
Pauldron On the shoulders, on top of armor. Augment pauldronCave.png Augment pauldronField.png Augment pauldronGold.png
Ring On one hand. Can only equip one ring. Augment ringCave.png Augment ringField.png Augment ringGold.png
Sash Around the waist, above armor, below belt probably. Augment sashCave.png Augment sashField.png Augment sashGold.png
Scarf Around the neck, below necklace. Augment scarfCave.png Augment scarfField.png Augment scarfGold.png
Strap Across the chest, above armor. Augment strapCave.png Augment strapField.png Augment strapGold.png
Talisman Hung from the belt, on top. Augment talismanCave.png Augment talismanField.png Augment talismanGold.png

Named Augments

Name Image Augment Slot Description Effect Obtained
Armored Storm Pauldron Stormpauldron.png Pauldron Dark metal pauldrons with a history you'd rather not examine too closely. Armor: 0.7
Potency: 0.7
Storied Bones
Atonement of Oldwane Atonementofoldwane.png Cloak A mantle of hope and virtue, gifted by a regretful spirit. Warding: 1
Bonus Damage: 0.7
Potency: 0.7
To Humble Ends
Autumn Pauldron WarriorM augment pauldronAutumnR.png Pauldron Given to you by the Forest, the leaves on it are an eternal autumn gold. Health: 0.6
Armor: 0.6
Warding: 0.6
The Offering
Crow Amulet Crowamulet.png Necklace This mysterious amulet seems to press on the wearer's chest when they stand in harm's way. Ranged Accuracy: 15 Company of Crows
Defender's Necklace Augment necklaceDefender.png Necklace Found in the wreckage of an ill-fated battle. Armor: 0.5 Flickerings
Eaglefeather Talisman Eaglefeather.png Talisman A soiuvenir from a close encounter with an eagle's nest. Health: 0.7 Crag Eagle
Elmsoul Belt WarriorM augment beltElmsoul.png Belt Grown from a blood-tasting splinter into a jealous girdle that guards its wearer. Warding: 0.5
Potency: 0.5
The Jealousy of Trees
Feather Bracelet Augment featherBracelet.png Bracelet Grants longed-for wings. Speed: 1.4
The hero grows hawk wings.
Feathercloak Feathercloak.png Cloak This soft cloak of crowfeathers rustles lightly when its wearer moves. It smells of sun among the treetops, and deep forest flights. Speed: 1
Dodge: 5
As The Crow Flies
Fortune's Girdle WarriorM augment strapLucky.png Strap Treasure from a chest never smelled so fresh. Stunt Chance: 7
Dodge: 7
Block: 7
Spur of a Moment
Glade Scarf Gladescarf.png Scarf Twinkling lights fade in and out among the rough weaving. Health: 0.7
Warding: 0.7
Potency: 0.7
Spirit of the Forest
Gorgoneater Sash WarriorM augment sashEater.png Sash It's not as slimy as you thought it would be. Health: 0.7 The Eater
Hearth Talisman Hearthtalisman.png Talisman Bestowed with the power of a friend's gift, you hope to hang it in your own home someday. Block: 8 Where We Find Ourselves
Lover's Belt Augment beltLover.png Belt Etched with what is probably Thnarric poetry. Block: 7 Token of Affection
Lover's Necklace Augment necklaceLover.png Necklace Swirling silver worn close to the heart. Health: 0.8 Token of Affection
Lover's Sash Augment sashLover.png Sash A richly-stitched gift. Potency: 0.8 Token of Affection
Memorial Pauldron Memorialpauldron.png Pauldron Stone-carved pauldrons in the image of the twilight god, Oruwei. Armor: 0.7
Potency: 0.7
For an Old Wish Passing
Mossgirdle Mossgirdle.png Sash An evergreen swatch of fragrant moss girds the hips. Warding: 1
Potency: 0.5
Mushroom Talisman Mushroomtalisman.png Talisman Enchanted by an otherworldy merchant. At least you think so; it can be hard to tell what's just good salesmanship. Health: 0.7
Potency: 0.7
The Merchant
Old Coin Talisman Oldcointalisman.png Talisman An unfamiliar old coin. Doesn't do anything. Dug Up
Rivercloak Rivercloakitem.png Cloak Ripples as if woven from a current of water, and marks the wearer's favor in the eyes of a waterling. Speed: 0.5
Armor: 1
Silver Compass Talisman Silvercompasstalisman.png Talisman Doesn't technically work, but gives you confidence in your own sense of direction. Melee Accuracy: 7
Ranged Accuracy: 7
Where We Find Ourselves
Spokesbadge Spokesbadge.png Broach A burnished badge of a place swept away. Potency: 0.5
Block: 7
A New Name
Staff Shard Augment talismanShard.png Talisman The shard of a staff, imbued with the soul of a mystic. Potency 0.5 Unknown
Staffshard Talisman Augment talismanShard.png Talisman Holds the memory of a fallen hero. Potency: 0.7 Final Moment
Starseed Ring Augment ringStarseed.png Ring Who needs risks when you can be just slightly above-average and still come out ahead? Warding: 0.7 The Starseed Tree
Stoneblade Talisman Augment talismanStoneshear.png Talisman Its warm edges can split solid rock. In its core, an old worldcarver's will ever hums. Spell Damage: 1 Heart of Stone
The Forestlord's Cloak Augment cloakMist.png Cloak A misty cloak of flowing fabric, bestowed by Lord Evergreen. Dodge: 5
UI DiamondFeather.png Swift action: Once per combat, the hero swirls their cloak and becomes instantly hidden, disappearing into grayplane in a cloud of cedarsmelling mist.
Answer to Austerity
Tortoiseshell Talisman Turtleamulet.png Talisman A talisman of a protector. Block: 15 Turtles All The Way Down
Village Banner VillageBannerAugment.png Sash A simple memory to carry around your waist. Health: 0.5
Stunt Chance: 7
To Remember Us By
Wolfhead Amulet Wolfheadamulet.png Necklace A trinket from Lochias. Stunt Chance: 7
Bonus Damage: 0.7
The Wolf Price