
From Wildermyth Wiki
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Stats in Wildermyth cover a broad range of situations. This article will discuss those stats that govern not just the combat ability of Heroes and Monsters, but also temporary conditions, such as injuries.

Base hero stats

The starting values for a young adult human depend slightly on the combat difficulty level. As of release 1.0, they are:

  Storyteller Adventurer Tragic Hero Walking Lunch
Health 7 6 5
Speed 1 (+3.4 for 2 natural legs)
Armor 1 0.4 0
Warding 0
Accuracy 105 100 97
Stunt Chance 15 14
Bonus Damage 1 0.4 0
Potency 1 0.4 0
Dodge 50 45
Block 45
Perception 10
Recovery Rate 40 30 25
Retirement Age 45
Charisma 15
Tenacity 15

Base monster stats

See monster stats.

Combat-Relevant Stats

Though players may encounter fractional stats gains through gear and events (e.g. 4.5 armor), Wildermyth ultimately rounds these stats down.


Health determines how many injuries a hero can sustain before they must make a mortal choice. Health is the hero's maximum hit points, and does not change in combat. A hero's current hit points is equal to Health + temporary healthinjury.


Humans start with a base speed, modified +1.7 by each of their natural legs they still have. It is also modified by age and by various augments and themes.

On the battle map a hero can spend an action point to move a number of tiles equal to their speed stat. When the hero is selected, tiles they can move to without using all their available AP are highlighted in green. Moving to a yellow-highlighted tile will end their turn. (Abilities like Heroism can let a hero start their turn with more than 2 AP.)

On the "Stats" pane of the Character Sheet, the speed value is shown rounded down, but when moving on the battle map, a hero uses the full unrounded value of their speed. Click on the "Speed" line on the character sheet to see the actual value and the factors that go into it. Diagonal movement costs 1.41 movement points. Passing through a tile that is already occupied by an ally costs +0.5 movement point. Hazards such as Gorgon Corrupted Land also cost +0.5 movement point.

A hero can also spend x action points to move a number of tiles equal to x times their speed. Due to non-integer speed values and non-integer movement point costs, it is sometimes possible to cross more distance in one 2-action-point move than in two separate 1-action-point moves.


A hero's speed on the overland map is proportional to 1+speed (where speed is their unrounded speed stat). Groups that start together and are moving to the same destination or task will move together with a speed equal to the weighted average of the overland speeds of the group members, where the fastest member's speed is given double the weight of the other members' speeds.

So for quick jobs, adding a slow hero to the task sometimes can make the whole thing take longer to finish, by delaying when work begins. If more than one group of heroes is moving to work on a job, work will begin as soon as the first group of heroes arrives, and in some cases might be completed before a distant group has even arrived. The exception is Assault missions, which will wait until everyone has arrived.

For longer jobs, on the other hand, it can be more valuable to keep groups together in order to accelerate the arrival of the slower members.


Armor, as indicated by blue shields on a unit, subtracts from incoming physical damage. Each point of armor represents 1 less damage taken. Armor can come from many sources but most typically stems from gear.

Shredding attacks reduce armor count for the current mission, while Piercing attacks ignore a certain amount of armor. In addition, any physical attack will shred 1 point of armor if the attack's damage is reduced to zero.


Warding represents damage reduction for magic and elemental attacks.


This is your base Attack Strength, modified by on several other factors like the enemy's evasion stats and cover.

Stunt Chance

Base chance for you attack to stunt, which is an additional positive effect (something like crit in other games, but often a status effect instead of damage).

Bonus Damage

Damage added to attacks, such as melee or ranged weapon attacks. Also factored into theme attacks and some abilities.

Spell Damage

Extra damage dealt by interfusion abilities.


Used to calculate damage for Magic attacks, and the effectiveness of some Abilities — for instance, the range of Zealous Leap.


Used to evade attacks by moving out of the way. Works uniformly against all attacks. (Block and Dodge work the same since patch 0.11+103 Opellia Bluster.)

Affected by age.

  • -2 Dodge at Early Middle Age
  • -4 Dodge at Middle Age
  • -6 Dodge at Late Middle Age
  • -9 Dodge at Old Age
  • -13 Dodge at Very Old Age
  • -20 Dodge at Extreme Old Age


Used to physically deflect attacks. Works uniformly against all attacks.


The hero's vision range. This stat is hidden; it is normally 10 but drops at old age:

  • -1 Perception at Old Age
  • -2 Perception at Very Old Age
  • -5 Perception at Extreme Old Age

Interfused objects have a different vision range:

  • 8 Perception from Interfused Flames
  • 7 Perception on all other Interfused Scenery


Some things might be hard to see unless you're right up close? This stat is hidden, and it is unclear whether it is used at all.

Campaign-Relevant Stats

Recovery Rate

How quickly your injuries heal. Younger and more hearty characters heal faster, old characters heal very slowly.

Retirement Age

When are you going to hang up your boots, roughly? Heroes retire eventually, if they live long enough.

Retirement age starts at 45 for a human and can be affected by:

  • Upbringing
  • Being a mystic (+20)
  • Being a hunter (+10)
  • Hook resolutions (+10 for the first, +7 for the second, and +5 for the third)
  • Certain themes and events

Personality Stats

Stats for Story Roles and Their Relationships: When one of these stats is called out as a role, it means that hero has the highest number for that stat in the present or affected party. If that stat is called out negatively (e.g. “Not Leader”) that character has the lowest number for the correlating stat.

The hook describes a facet of a character’s personality and especially as pertains to that character’s place in stories. Affects what characters might say, and what language is associated with them, as well as relationships with other characters.

It should be possible to call out Roles for party, or for the whole company in an event, if necessary.

"I've read about this"

Nose in a book, this character is involved with stories and science, and shuns needless action. Epithets for bookish characters include Bookish and Intellectual.

"I don't know, sounds dangerous..."

This character often quails when confronted with true horror, but will come through at unexpected times. Epithets for cowardly characters include Cowardly and Coward.

"Whoa, that reminds me of a funny story!"

This character tends to joke and make a fool of herself, especially when tensions are high. Epithets for goofy characters include Goofish and Goofball.

"I'll just take that. And that. And that."

I want to keep this explanation all to myself. It's mine, all mine. Epithets for greedy characters include Greedy and Greedwagon.

"That looks like it hurts. Can I help you with that?"

This character is naturally gifted and nursing and nurturing others, and tends to have an intuitive sense for people’s pain. Epithets for healer characters include Compassionate and Peacemaker.

"Enough talk. Let's attack!"

This character is quick to anger, quick to action, and will often be impatient when asked to wait. Epithets for hotheaded characters include Hotheaded and Hothead.

"All right everyone, let's stick to the plan."

This character tends to take the lead, either explicitly or implicitly, in situations that require a firm or decisive statement. Epithets for leader characters include Decisive and Leader.

"I'd rather to do it myself."

This character is unafraid of loneliness, even embraces it. Often pulls in the direction of solitary action and survival. Epithets for loner characters include Aloof and Loner.

"I see that! And taste it, hear it, feel it. Wonderful!"

This character sees things in a different way, alive to the sensory pleasures of the world and able to express her aliveness with some fluency. Epithets for poet characters include Poetical and Poet.

"Love is what makes life worth living."

This character is a Casanova, or at least wishes he were, and will speak up in romantic matters and be influenced often by his attractions. Epithets for romantic characters include Romantic and Romantic.

"I am so excited. That was sarcasm, by the way."

This character is witty and sarcastic, and often negative, but may be shockingly hopeful and romantic when it comes right down to it. Epithets for snarky characters include Snarky and Snark.

Story Relevant Stats

These are intended to range roughly from 1-100, and are used for event rolls in stories.


A measure of how favored this character is, by other people, or even just fate. Starts out higher in youth and declines with age.

High charisma heroes will have better chances of beneficial outcomes from some event choices, will gain relationship points more quickly, and will decrease the time required to build bridges and mountain passes.


A measure of how mentally tough, patient, prepared, and determined this character is. Goes up with age.

High tenacity heroes will have better chances of beneficial outcomes from some event choices.

Transient Stats


  Young Early Middle-aged Middle-aged Late Middle-aged Old-aged Very Old-aged Extremely Old-aged
Age <=29 >=30 >=40 >=50 >=62 >=74 >=90
Health -0.2 -0.4 -0.7 -1 -1.5 -2.3
Speed -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.8 -1.2 -1.9
Dodge -2 -4 -6 -9 -13 -20
Perception -1 -2 -5
Recovery Rate -8 -15 -20 -28 -38 -50
Charisma +15 +10 +5 0 -5 -10 -15
Tenacity +5 +10 +15 +20 +25 +20


Subtracted from Health to give current health. Injury heals over time in the Overland Map, according to Recovery Rate.


How much of your armor has been temporarily negated. It is repaired at the end of the mission.

Temporary Health

Temporary health that is added to your health bar, and used up first, before accruing injury


How many actions you have remaining this turn. Reset every turn.


Used to track promotions. Normal stuff. Note that the three hero classes have different experience curves.`