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=== Artifact ===
=== Artifact ===

Artifact items give unique bonuses, and will be saved with the hero in your [[legacy]]. You can [[craft]] an upgrade to an artifact weapon without losing the artifact bonus, but it does cost more [[resource]]s.
Artifact items give unique bonuses, and will be saved with the hero in your [[legacy]]. You can [[craft]] an upgrade to an artifact weapon without losing the artifact bonus, but it does cost more [[resources]].
{| class="wikitable sortable"
|+ Artifact Weapons
! Name
! Image
! Weapon Type
! Effect
! Obtained
| [[Antler Bow]]
| [[File:AntlerBowT3.png|100x50px]]
| Bow
| Deals bonus damage to Gorgons, +1 Stunt Damage
| Random Drop
| [[Avenger (Sword)]]
| [[File:Avengerswordt3.png|100x50px]]
| Sword
| Stunt Effect: Fire, +1 Stunt Damage
| Event
| [[Bolt-thrower]]
| [[File:BoltthrowerT3.png|100x50px]]
| Crossbow
| Has more accuracy than a normal crossbow, +1 Stunt Damage
| Random Drop
| [[Bone Bow]]
| [[File:Bonebowt3.png|100x50px]]
| Bow
| +2 potency, -10 charisma
| Event
| [[Bone Spear]]
| [[File:Item_spear1Bone_t3.png|100x50px]]
| Spear
| +1/2/3 Potency, -10 charisma
| Event
| [[Clockstopper]]
| [[File:Clockstoppert3.png|100x50px]]
| Greataxe
| Shreds more armor than a normal axe, +1 stunt damage.
| [[The Enduring War]]
| [[Cyclone Fork]]
| [[File:Item_spear_cyclonefork.png|100x50px]]
| Greatspear
| +1 speed, +1 stunt damage.
| Random Drop
| [[Dreadscythe]]
| [[File:Dreadscythetier3.png|100x50px]]
| Greatspear
| On attack, deals 1 damage to all enemies within range. +1 stunt damage.
| Random Drop
| [[Elgorn Pike]]
| [[File:ElgornpikeT3.png|100x50px]]
| Greatspear
| Deals more damage than a normal greatspear
| Random Drop
| [[Empowered Bone Bow]]
| [[File:Item_bowBone2_t3.png|100x50px]]
| Bow
| +2 Potency, -10 Charisma, Stunt effect: Stone
| Event
| [[Empowered Bone Spear]]
| [[File:Item_spear1Bone2_t3.png|100x50px]]
| Spear
| Bonus Potency, -10 Charisma, Stunt effect: Stone
| Event
| [[Fang Axe]]
| [[File:Fangaxet3.png|100x50px]]
| Axe
| Bonus damage to Drauven, +1 Stunt Damage
| Random Drop
| [[Fatetracer]]
| [[File:FatetracerT3.png|100x50px]]
| Dueling Sword
| Bonus Damage on Enemy Turn, +1 Stunt Damage
| Unknown
| [[Flare-axe]]
| [[File:Flareaxet3.png|100x50px]]
| Axe
| On attack, deals 1 damage to all enemies within range, +1 Stunt Damage
| Random Drop
| [[Grimblade]]
| [[File:Grimbladet3.png|100x50px]]
| Sword
| Heal on kill, but no sword block bonus.
| Event
| [[Halehammer]]
| [[File:Halehammert3.png|100x50px]]
| Mace
| Stuns enemy on stunt, +1 stunt damage.
| Random Drop
| [[Lockbreaker]]
| [[File:Item_axe2Lockbreaker_t3.png|100x50px]]
| Greataxe
| Deals bonus damage to Morthagi, +1 stunt damage.
| Random Drop
| [[Minotaur Axe]]
| [[File:Item_axe2Minotaur_t3.png|100x50px]]
| Greataxe
| Deals bonus damage to Deepists, +1 stunt damage.
| Random Drop
| [[Moonspear]]
| [[File:MoonspearT3.png|100x50px]]
| Greatspear
| Deals bonus damage to Thrixl, +1 Stunt damage
| Random Drop
| [[Night Shard]]
| [[File:Nightshard_t3.png|100x50px]]
| Sword
| +5/10/15 dodge, +1 stunt damage
| Event
| [[Oakenbrand]]
| [[File:Oakenbrandt3.png|100x50px]]
| Staff
| +Knockback, +1 Stunt Damage, No spell damage bonus
| [[All the Bones of Summer]]
| [[Oath of Oldwane]]
| [[File:Item_dagger_oldwane.png|100x50px]]
| Dagger
| +2 Warding, +4 Potency
| Event
| [[Petriglass Seaspear]]
| [[File:Item_spear_gorgon.png|100x50px]]
| Greatspear
| +1 Stunt Damage, Stunt Effect: Water
| [[Age of Ulstryx]]
| [[Petriglass Wand]]
| [[File:Petriglasswandt3.png|100x50px]]
| Wand
| Stunt Effect: Water
| Gorgon Story
| [[Quakebaker]]
| [[File:Quakebakert3.png|100x50px]]
| Hammer
| +1 Stunt Damage, Stunt Effect: Stone
| Random Drop?
| [[Queen Axe]]
| [[File:Queenaxet3.png|100x50px]]
| Axe
| Bonus damage to single-tile enemies, +1 Stunt Damage
| Random Drop
| [[Sharktooth Axe]]
| [[File:SharktoothAxeT3.png|100x50px]]
| Greataxe
| +2 Shred, but -1 Damage compared to a normal Greataxe.
| Random Drop
| [[Starseed Staff]]
| [[File:Starseedstafft3.png|100x50px]]
| Staff
| Gain "Starseed" ability, +1 Stunt Damage, Stunt Effect: Fire
| Event
| [[Starseed Wand]]
| [[File:Starseedwandt3.png|100x50px]]
| Wand
| +1 Stunt Damage, Stunt Effect: Fire
| Event
| [[Strongbow]]
| [[File:StrongbowT3.png|100x50px]]
| Bow
| Deals more damage than a normal bow
| Unknown
| [[Swan Scepter]]
| [[File:SwanScepterT3.png|100x50px]]
| Wand
| Interfusion is a free action
| Rare Random Drop
| [[Sylvan Axe]]
| [[File:Sylvanaxet3.png|100x50px]]
| Axe
| +1 Stunt Damage, Stunt Effect: Leaf
| Event
| [[Thanefeller]]
| [[File:Thanefellert3.png|100x50px]]
| Axe
| Bonus damage to large (4+ tile) enemies, +1 Stunt Damage
| Random Drop
| [[The Orphan Sword]]
| [[File:TheOrphanSwordT3.png|100x50px]]
| Greatsword
| Deals more damage than a normal greatsword
| [[All the Bones of Summer]] (Currently Unobtainable)
| [[Thorn of the Fens]]
| [[File:Thornofthefenst3.png|100x50px]]
| Spear
| x2 Damage when Flanking
| [[All the Bones of Summer]]
| [[Titan's Fist]]
| [[File:Item_mace_titansfist.png|100x50px]]
| Hammer
| Bonus Knockback, +1 Stunt Damage
| Random Drop
| [[Vigilkeeper]]
| [[File:Item_bowVigilkeeper_t3.png|100x50px]]
| Bow
| +1 Range, +1 Stunt Damage
| Random Drop
| [[Vost]]
| [[File:Vostt3.png|100x50px]]
| Bow
| +Knockback, Stunt Effect: Stone
| [[Monarchs Under the Mountain]]
| [[Vracsel's Staff]]
| [[File:Vracselstafft3.png|100x50px]]
| Staff
| Stunt Effect: Fire
| Drauven Story
| [[Will of the Forest]]
| [[File:Item_spear2Forest_t3.png|100x50px]]
| Greatspear
| Spawns trees on kill, +1/2/3 Potency
| Event
| [[Wingknife]]
| [[File:WingknifeT3.png|100x50px]]
| Dagger
| Can attack diagonally with this dagger, +1 Stunt Damage
| Random Drop
| [[Wintershard]]
| [[File:WintershardT3.png|100x50px]]
| Greataxe
| Hobbles enemies on attack, +1 Stunt Damage
| Random Drop
| [[Wyverntail]]
| [[File:Wyverntailt3.png|100x50px]]
| Greatspear
| Poisonous
| Random Drop


Revision as of 17:39, 16 September 2021

note: this page is a work in progress. i gotta sleep sometime. -lizbot3000, 1/11/21

Weapons are the equipment heroes carry in their primary and/or secondary equipment slots. All weapons are either one-handed (such as a dagger or spear) or two-handed (such as a bow or a hammer). They can either be basic quality (i.e. the randomly generated weapons that you come across during your play), artifact (named weapons that have set descriptions and stats/abilities), or elemental (a stunt effect is added to the weapon).

If a hero loses arm(s) or undergoes some transformation, some of these weapons may not be equipped.

Weapons cannot be transferred or traded among heroes. Wildermyth does not intend for players to spend time managing inventory.

A list of unique/artifact weapons can be found here.

Tier 0

Tier 0 weapons are the ones that the heroes start the game with. Unless otherwise specified, all Tier 0 weapons have a range of 1.6 and stunt damage of 1.

Tier 0 Weapons
Item Image Description Type Stats
Old Sword image A notched old thing that's seen better days, it belonged to a relation, once upon a time. Sword Damage:
Pitchfork image A wood shaft affixed with an iron fork for shoveling hay, it's effective and traditional. Greatspear Damage: 4
Range: 2.1
Frying Pan image A roughly made mace. Mace Damage: 4
Knockback: 1.6
Root Club image Hacked from the foot of an uprooted tree, it's heavy and dangerous in the right hands. Mace Damage:
Pick Axe image Normally used against rocks and tree roots, it can do some damage if you can connect. Axe Damage: 4
Shred: 1
Shovel image "This shovel will dig... your grave!" Spear Damage:
Farm Bow image "A bit of pliable wood and some horsehair makes a fine weapon to warn off wolves with." Bow Damage: 3
Range: 1.9–7.6
Soupspoon Soupspoon.png Good at serving people soup. I don't know why you think you can cast a spell with it. Wand Damage: 1
Spell Damage: 1
Warding +1
Walking Staff image Isn't this literally just a gnarled branch you picked up when you were out hiking?. Staff Damage:


See Weapons for a list of unique and/or named weapons.

Not going to get very far fighting monsters without weapons, are you? Our farmers start off with whatever weapons they can scrounge up—hammers, pitchforks, etc. But soon, they'll discover and create much better ones.

Generally, a hero can only hold/equip one weapon at a time, but an extra weapon can be stored on the back. Switching to it in combat is an unlimited free action.

Weapon types are currently: swords, axes, maces, spears, daggers, bows, staves, and wands. A hero may choose to carry two weapons in order to have a melee and a ranged attack option, or may prefer to have options with different wield for high-dodge enemies, or different attack effects like shred or knockback, or different elemental stunt bonuses.


Weapons come in four tiers. Tier 0 is the makeshift weapons of the farmers. Tier 1 weapons are your rusty sword, your standard hunting bow, and a nice stick for a wand. Tier 3 starts to get way more fun/ridiculous, including maces made from fallen stars and staves with glowing orbs and curling antlers.

Elemental Enchantments

Every once in a while your party might encounter an elemental spirit during a mission (See Spirit Captured for an example). This spirit will vanish in four turns and run away from your party, ignoring obstacles like doors while doing so. If you complete all objectives of the mission while the spirit hasn't been caught or hasn't vanished yet, you still get the opportunity to catch the spirit before it vanishes and the mission completes.

Every elemental spirit can enchant one of the currently wielded weapons of the hero who catches it. Catching a spirit is done automatically while moving adjacent to it. This can be done mid movement or when ending your turn. A spirit can be caught from all eight tiles next to it.

Every element gives a different bonus when a hero stunts.

Fire Damages up to three nearby enemies.
Water Refunds one action point. (Can only occur once per turn)
Leaf Grants two temporary hit points. (This effect can stack)
Stone Shreds 1 Armour of all enemies in a two tile radius.

Enchanting a weapon replaces that weapon with a weapon of the same type and Tier with the enchantment. An exception being Tier 0 weapons who get replaced by a Tier 1 weapon of the same type.

Enchanting a weapon type unlocks all Tiers for that weapon to craft. For example, enchanting a Tier 1 sword with Fire allows you to craft up to Tier 3 swords with the Fire enchantment.

Whenever an enchantment is unlocked for a weapon type you can craft that weapon type with the enchantment in future campaigns without having to catch the spirit in that campaign. Salvaging a weapon while you do not have its enchantment unlocked yet does not give you access to crafting it in the future.


Artifact items give unique bonuses, and will be saved with the hero in your legacy. You can craft an upgrade to an artifact weapon without losing the artifact bonus, but it does cost more resources.

Artifact Weapons
Name Image Weapon Type Effect Obtained
Antler Bow AntlerBowT3.png Bow Deals bonus damage to Gorgons, +1 Stunt Damage Random Drop
Avenger (Sword) Avengerswordt3.png Sword Stunt Effect: Fire, +1 Stunt Damage Event
Bolt-thrower BoltthrowerT3.png Crossbow Has more accuracy than a normal crossbow, +1 Stunt Damage Random Drop
Bone Bow Bonebowt3.png Bow +2 potency, -10 charisma Event
Bone Spear Item spear1Bone t3.png Spear +1/2/3 Potency, -10 charisma Event
Clockstopper Clockstoppert3.png Greataxe Shreds more armor than a normal axe, +1 stunt damage. The Enduring War
Cyclone Fork Item spear cyclonefork.png Greatspear +1 speed, +1 stunt damage. Random Drop
Dreadscythe Dreadscythetier3.png Greatspear On attack, deals 1 damage to all enemies within range. +1 stunt damage. Random Drop
Elgorn Pike ElgornpikeT3.png Greatspear Deals more damage than a normal greatspear Random Drop
Empowered Bone Bow Item bowBone2 t3.png Bow +2 Potency, -10 Charisma, Stunt effect: Stone Event
Empowered Bone Spear Item spear1Bone2 t3.png Spear Bonus Potency, -10 Charisma, Stunt effect: Stone Event
Fang Axe Fangaxet3.png Axe Bonus damage to Drauven, +1 Stunt Damage Random Drop
Fatetracer FatetracerT3.png Dueling Sword Bonus Damage on Enemy Turn, +1 Stunt Damage Unknown
Flare-axe Flareaxet3.png Axe On attack, deals 1 damage to all enemies within range, +1 Stunt Damage Random Drop
Grimblade Grimbladet3.png Sword Heal on kill, but no sword block bonus. Event
Halehammer Halehammert3.png Mace Stuns enemy on stunt, +1 stunt damage. Random Drop
Lockbreaker Item axe2Lockbreaker t3.png Greataxe Deals bonus damage to Morthagi, +1 stunt damage. Random Drop
Minotaur Axe Item axe2Minotaur t3.png Greataxe Deals bonus damage to Deepists, +1 stunt damage. Random Drop
Moonspear MoonspearT3.png Greatspear Deals bonus damage to Thrixl, +1 Stunt damage Random Drop
Night Shard Nightshard t3.png Sword +5/10/15 dodge, +1 stunt damage Event
Oakenbrand Oakenbrandt3.png Staff +Knockback, +1 Stunt Damage, No spell damage bonus All the Bones of Summer
Oath of Oldwane Item dagger oldwane.png Dagger +2 Warding, +4 Potency Event
Petriglass Seaspear Item spear gorgon.png Greatspear +1 Stunt Damage, Stunt Effect: Water Age of Ulstryx
Petriglass Wand Petriglasswandt3.png Wand Stunt Effect: Water Gorgon Story
Quakebaker Quakebakert3.png Hammer +1 Stunt Damage, Stunt Effect: Stone Random Drop?
Queen Axe Queenaxet3.png Axe Bonus damage to single-tile enemies, +1 Stunt Damage Random Drop
Sharktooth Axe SharktoothAxeT3.png Greataxe +2 Shred, but -1 Damage compared to a normal Greataxe. Random Drop
Starseed Staff Starseedstafft3.png Staff Gain "Starseed" ability, +1 Stunt Damage, Stunt Effect: Fire Event
Starseed Wand Starseedwandt3.png Wand +1 Stunt Damage, Stunt Effect: Fire Event
Strongbow StrongbowT3.png Bow Deals more damage than a normal bow Unknown
Swan Scepter SwanScepterT3.png Wand Interfusion is a free action Rare Random Drop
Sylvan Axe Sylvanaxet3.png Axe +1 Stunt Damage, Stunt Effect: Leaf Event
Thanefeller Thanefellert3.png Axe Bonus damage to large (4+ tile) enemies, +1 Stunt Damage Random Drop
The Orphan Sword TheOrphanSwordT3.png Greatsword Deals more damage than a normal greatsword All the Bones of Summer (Currently Unobtainable)
Thorn of the Fens Thornofthefenst3.png Spear x2 Damage when Flanking All the Bones of Summer
Titan's Fist Item mace titansfist.png Hammer Bonus Knockback, +1 Stunt Damage Random Drop
Vigilkeeper Item bowVigilkeeper t3.png Bow +1 Range, +1 Stunt Damage Random Drop
Vost Vostt3.png Bow +Knockback, Stunt Effect: Stone Monarchs Under the Mountain
Vracsel's Staff Vracselstafft3.png Staff Stunt Effect: Fire Drauven Story
Will of the Forest Item spear2Forest t3.png Greatspear Spawns trees on kill, +1/2/3 Potency Event
Wingknife WingknifeT3.png Dagger Can attack diagonally with this dagger, +1 Stunt Damage Random Drop
Wintershard WintershardT3.png Greataxe Hobbles enemies on attack, +1 Stunt Damage Random Drop
Wyverntail Wyverntailt3.png Greatspear Poisonous Random Drop