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Shadow is a theme that can be gained by a hero from the event The Inhabitant.

Something that had been sleeping inside you is now waking up.
A fully transformed Shadow Hunter.

Theme conflicts

A Shadow hero will not be eligible for any of these additional themes: Beartouched, Botanical, Celestial, Child of the Hills, Crystalline, Deepist Spy, Elmsoul, Flamesoul, Frogtouched, Gorgonoid, Mark of the Horn, Mortificial Enhancements, Skeletal, Spell Touched, Sylvan, Vulture Acolyte, Wolftouched

If a hero has any of these themes, it is not possible to also become Shadow: Beartouched, Botanical, Celestial, Child of the Hills, Crystalline, Deepist Spy, Elmsoul, Flamesoul, Frogtouched, Gorgonoid, Mark of the Horn, Skeletal, Sylvan, Vulture Acolyte, Wolftouched

Without theme slot conflicts, a Shadow hero is still eligible for any of these additional themes: Crowtouched, Drauven Wings, Foxish, Frost, Hawksoul, Mothly, Petrified, Ratlike, Scorpioid, Skunkish, Stormtouched, Teeny Wings

Without theme slot conflicts, it is still possible for a hero with any of the following themes to also become Shadow: Crowtouched, Drauven Wings, Foxish, Frost, Hawksoul, Mortificial Enhancements, Mothly, Petrified, Ratlike, Scorpioid, Skunkish, Spell Touched, Stormtouched, Teeny Wings

The following theme slots will be transformed on initial acquisition of the theme: Head (required to be available), Any one available arm or leg (optional; may be already occupied by a non-conflicting theme)

Theme Upgrade


(Passive) <name> has +2 speed and the ability to move through scenery.

Note: to use this ability, it must be selected as a theme upgrade upon hero promotion.

Requires at least one Shadow Leg for Shadestride to appear as an upgrade selection.


The Hero gains Shadowed and a Shadow Limb.

Changing the Hero's primary and secondary colors will change this theme's appearance. The "Wild" skin can be changed with the secondary color.


Two souls peer out from <self>'s eyes now

Drains Warding

(No in-game description)

+1 Speed

Shadow Arm (L/R)

<self>'s left arm twitches and swirls with dark energy.
<self>'s right arm twitches and swirls with dark energy.
Ability upgrade to Harvest.
UI DiamondRed.png single action, ends turn


x magic damage, range 1.6 (Melee)

<self> rakes a nearby foe with their shadowy claws. If they kill it, they consume its soul to heal 1 HP for each shadow limb they have.

Damage: (2 to 4) + 1/2(Bonus Damage + Potency)


UI DiamondRed.png single action, ends turn


x magic damage, range 1.6 (Melee)

<self> rakes a nearby foe with their shadowy claws. If they kill it, they consume its soul to heal 1 HP for each shadow limb they have.

Damage: (3 to 5) + (Bonus Damage + Potency)

UI DiamondRed.png single action, ends turn

Dread Harvest (both arms)

x magic damage, range 1.6 (Melee)

<self> rakes a nearby foe with both shadowy claws. If they kill it, they consume its soul to heal 1 HP for each shadow limb they have.

Damage: (4 to 6) + 1/2(Bonus Damage + Potency)


UI DiamondRed.png single action, ends turn

Dread Harvest+ (both arms)

x magic damage, range 1.6 (Melee)

<self> rakes a nearby foe with both shadowy claws. If they kill it, they consume its soul to heal 1 HP for each shadow limb they have.

Damage: (5 to 7) + (Bonus Damage + Potency)

Shadow Leg (L)

<self>'s left leg is somewhat demonic.

Shadow Leg (R)

<self>'s right leg is somewhat demonic

Gallery and Skins