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Spiritblade is a Mystic ability.

In-Game Description

(Passive/Active) When allies stand next to an interfused object, they gain +1 damage; Interfused blazes can be used to grant nearby allies fiery attacks.


 Allies directly adjacent to an interfused object get +10 Stunt Chance 
Blazing Sword/Burning Arrow: Changed from turn-ending actions to single actions.


  • The ally must stand directly adjacent to the interfused object; diagonal does not count.
  • The Spiritblade aura is only created around interfused objects, not Blazes (or any non-stationary target?)
  • +1 bonus damage only benefits physical attacks

The mystic gains the following abilities when interfused with a Blaze.

Burning Arrow

When interfused with a blaze, grant a free ranged attack to a nearby ally. The attack has pierce equal to Hero's potency and creates a blaze at the target.
  • Ally must be equipped with a ranged weapon, within 5.6 tiles of the blaze
  • The attack happens immediately when the mystic takes the Burning Arrow action.
  • The attack uses the ally's ranged accuracy, weapon range, damage and some effects
  • Attacker's abilities that are used (as of v1.0):
    • General:
    • Warrior:
    • Mystic:
    • Hunter:
  • Not used:

Blazing Sword

 When interfused with a blaze, grant a free melee attack to a nearby ally. The attack deals bonus damage and creates a blaze.
  • Ally must be equipped with a melee weapon, within 5.6 tiles of the blaze
  • The attack happens immediately when the mystic takes the Blazing Sword action
  • The attack uses the ally's melee accuracy, weapon range, damage and effects
  • Attacker's abilities that are used (as of v1.0):
  • Not used:


These details apply to both Burning Arrow and Blazing Sword:

  • A leashed Blaze is required; lamps, forges and campfires do not qualify
  • The attack gains pierce equal to the mystic's Potency
  • The blaze created on the target's tile causes additional damage at the beginning of the target's next turn.
  • If the ally is hidden they are revealed.
  • If the attack stunts, it counts as a stunt by the attacker.
  • If the target is killed, it counts as a kill by the mystic and not the ally, so abilities such as Wolfcall and Thornfang do not trigger.
  • As of v1.0, the attacks do not take advantage of bonus damage from Vigorflow or Bloodrage.


Burning Arrow and Blazing Shield are greatly improved when the party has a reliable means to start fires at will, such as Ignite or Raider.

Elementalist lets your leashed Blaze continue burning indefinitely without needing debris.

A spiritblade mystic doesn't need Spell Damage and doesn't need to compete with other mystics for interfusion targets, so can co-exist well in a party with more than one mystic.

Burning Arrow and Blazing Shield are an excellent insurance policy for reducing RNG variance. Let all your heroes take their 85-90% attacks, and use spiritblade for a do-over on whatever misses.