Child of the Hills

From Wildermyth Wiki

Child of the Hills is a theme that can be gained by a hero from the event The Offering.

<self> carries the hills in their very bones.
A fully transformed Child of the Hills Warrior.

Theme conflicts

A Child of the Hills hero will not be eligible for any of these additional themes: Beartouched, Botanical, Celestial, Crowtouched, Crystalline, Deepist Spy, Frogtouched, Gorgonoid, Mark of the Horn, Mortificial Enhancements, Shadow, Skeletal, Spell Touched, Sylvan, Vulture Acolyte, Wolftouched

If a hero has any of these themes, it is not possible to also become Child of the Hills: Beartouched, Botanical, Celestial, Crowtouched, Crystalline, Deepist Spy, Flamesoul, Frogtouched, Gorgonoid, Mark of the Horn, Shadow, Skeletal, Sylvan, Vulture Acolyte, Wolftouched

Without theme slot conflicts, a Child of the Hills hero is still eligible for any of these additional themes: Drauven Wings, Elmsoul, Flamesoul, Foxish, Frost, Hawksoul, Mothly, Petrified, Ratlike, Scorpioid, Skunkish, Stormtouched, Teeny Wings

Without theme slot conflicts, it is still possible for a hero with any of the following themes to also become Child of the Hills: Drauven Wings, Elmsoul, Foxish, Frost, Hawksoul, Mortificial Enhancements, Mothly, Petrified, Ratlike, Scorpioid, Skunkish, Spell Touched, Stormtouched, Teeny Wings

The following theme slots will be transformed on initial acquisition of the theme: Head (required to be available)

Theme Upgrade

Shard Skin

(Passive) +1 Armor. When a physical melee attack hits <name>, but only shreds armor, twice that damage is reflected back at the attacker.

Note: to use this ability, it must be selected as a theme upgrade upon hero promotion.

Requires at least one Foothill Arm or Leg for Shard Skin to appear as an upgrade selection.


The alternative "Canyon" skin, unlocked after completing the "Solid As The Hills" achievement.
The alternative "Obsidian" skin, from the Armors and Skins DLC.
The alternative "Mossy" skin, from the Armors and Skins DLC.
Ability upgrade to Foothill Crush.

The hero gains Hill Tattoos and their history will include:

<Hero> was granted the strength of the Hills for services rendered to an ancient spirit.

This theme is not affected by the hero's colors.

Hill Tattoos

Mystic tattoos mark <self>'s face.

Foothill Arm (L/R)

<self>'s left arm is made of rock.
<self>'s right arm is made of rock.
UI DiamondRed.png single action, ends turn


x damage, range 1.6 (Melee)
EquipmentIcon stone.pngStone Stunt

<self> strikes with their stone arm, knocking the foe to another tile and dealing additional damage equal to the distance knocked back.

Damage: (4 to 6) + 1/2(Bonus Damage + Potency)


UI DiamondRed.png single action, ends turn


x damage, range 1.6 (Melee)
EquipmentIcon stone.pngStone Stunt

<self> strikes with their stone arm, knocking the foe to another tile and dealing additional damage equal to the distance knocked back.

Damage: (5 to 7) + (Bonus Damage + Potency)

Stonewall (both arms)

If <name> doesn't use an attack ability this turn, they use their stone arms to protect themself, gaining +2 armor until the start of their next turn.

Foothill Leg (L)

<self>'s left leg is made of rock.

-0.5 Speed
+1 Armor
Immune to Knockback

Foothill Leg (R)

<self>'s right leg is made of rock.

-0.5 Speed
+1 Armor
Immune to Knockback


  • Stonewalling offers substantial protection as the temporary armor will be shredded first and then regained in future turns.
  • Stonewalling is often used with Vigilance on Warriors as entering guardian does not prevent stonewalling.
  • Be wary of using hills legs, the speed reduction is substantial and can become quite problematic especially if the hero also reaches old age.
