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Elmsoul is a theme that can be gained by a hero from the event Splinter.

There's an ancient, Elmish soul inside <self>'s heart.
A fully transformed Elmsoul Hunter.

Theme conflicts

An Elmsoul hero will not be eligible for any of these additional themes: Beartouched, Botanical, Celestial, Crowtouched, Crystalline, Flamesoul, Mortificial Enhancements, Shadow, Skeletal, Spell Touched, Wolftouched

If a hero has any of these themes, it is not possible to also gain Elmsoul: Beartouched, Botanical, Celestial, Crowtouched, Crystalline, Flamesoul, Shadow, Skeletal, Wolftouched

Without theme slot conflicts, a Elmsoul hero is still eligible for any of these additional themes: Child of the Hills, Deepist Spy, Drauven Wings, Foxish, Frogtouched, Frost, Gorgonoid, Hawksoul, Mark of the Horn, Mothly, Petrified, Ratlike, Scorpioid, Skunkish, Stormtouched, Sylvan, Teeny Wings, Vulture Acolyte

Without theme slot conflicts, it is still possible for a hero with any of the following themes to also become Elmsoul: Child of the Hills, Deepist Spy, Drauven Wings, Foxish, Frogtouched, Frost, Gorgonoid, Hawksoul, Mark of the Horn, Mortificial Enhancements, Mothly, Petrified, Ratlike, Scorpioid, Skunkish, Spell Touched, Stormtouched, Sylvan, Teeny Wings, Vulture Acolyte

The following theme slots will be transformed on initial acquisition of the theme: None (hair is transformed, but does not occupy a theme slot)

Theme Upgrade

Deep Roots

+1 Health, +2 Retirement Age, and +10 Recovery Rate for each tree limb (Currently: +x/+y/+z)

Note: to use this ability, it must be selected as a theme upgrade upon hero promotion.

Requires at least one Tree Arm or Leg for Deep Roots to appear as an upgrade selection.


The hero gains Photosynthesis and their history will include:

<Hero> carries within him/herself the soul of an ancient elm.

This theme is not affected by the hero's colors.


<self> soaks in the light through their skin.

Splinterskin (Full transformation)

1 true damage

When attacked by a melee attack, all adjacent enemies take 1 true damage.

+10 recovery rate.

Tree Arm (L/R)

<self>'s left arm is treeish.
<self>'s right arm is treeish.
Ability upgrade to Elmsoul Bash.
UI DiamondRed.png single action, ends turn


x damage, range 1.6 (Melee)
EquipmentIcon leaf.pngLeaf Stunt

<self> strikes with their tree arm, knocking the foe to another tile and dealing additional damage equal to the distance knocked back.
Knockback +1 for each Tree Leg.

Damage: (4 to 7) + 1/2(Bonus Damage + Potency)


UI DiamondRed.png single action, ends turn


x damage, range 1.6 (Melee)
EquipmentIcon leaf.pngLeaf Stunt

<self> strikes with their tree arm, knocking the foe to another tile and dealing additional damage equal to the distance knocked back.
Knockback +1 for each Tree Leg.

Damage: (5 to 8) + (Bonus Damage + Potency)

UI DiamondRed.png single action, ends turn

Heavy Bash (both arms)

x damage, range 1.6 (Melee)
EquipmentIcon leaf.pngLeaf Stunt

<self> strikes with their tree arms, knocking the foe to another tile and dealing additional damage equal to the distance knocked back.
Knockback +1 for each Tree Leg.

Damage: (6 to 9) + 1/2(Bonus Damage + Potency)


UI DiamondRed.png single action, ends turn

Heavy Bash+ (both arms)

x damage, range 1.6 (Melee)
EquipmentIcon leaf.pngLeaf Stunt

<self> strikes with their tree arms, knocking the foe to another tile and dealing additional damage equal to the distance knocked back.
Knockback +1 for each Tree Leg.

Damage: (7 to 10) + (Bonus Damage + Potency)

Tree Leg (L)

<self>'s left leg is treeish.

-0.4 Speed
+0.6 Armor
Immune to Knockback

Tree Leg (R)

<self>'s right leg is treeish.

-0.4 Speed
+0.6 Armor
Immune to Knockback

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