
From Wildermyth Wiki
Revision as of 21:10, 6 March 2022 by Green riding hood (talk | contribs) (adding new theme upgrade)

Elmsoul is a theme that can be gained by a hero from the event Splinter.

There's an ancient, Elmish soul inside <self>'s heart.
A fully transformed Elmsoul Hunter.

Theme conflicts

An Elmsoul hero will not be eligible for any of these additional themes: Beartouched, Botanical, Celestial, Crowtouched, Crystalline, Flamesoul, Mortificial Enhancements, Shadow, Skeletal, Spell Touched, Wolftouched

If a hero has any of these themes, it is not possible to also gain Elmsoul: Beartouched, Botanical, Celestial, Crowtouched, Crystalline, Flamesoul, Shadow, Skeletal, Wolftouched

Theme Upgrade

Deep Roots

+1 Health, +2 Retirement Age, and +10 Recovery Rate for each tree limb (Currently: +x/+y/+z)

Note: to use this ability, it must be selected as a theme upgrade upon hero promotion.


The alternative "Autumn" skin, unlocked after completing the "Thwack!" achievement.
Ability upgrade to Elmsoul Bash.

The hero gains Photosynthesis and their history will include:

<Hero> carries within him/herself the soul of an ancient elm.

This theme is not affected by the hero's colors.


<self> soaks in the light through their skin.

Splinterskin (Full transformation)

1 true damage

When attacked by a melee attack, all adjacent enemies take 1 true damage.

+10 recovery rate.

Tree Arm (L/R)

<self>'s left arm is treeish.
<self>'s right arm is treeish.
UI DiamondRed.png single action, ends turn


x damage, range 1.6 (Melee)
EquipmentIcon leaf.pngLeaf Stunt

<self> strikes with their tree arm, knocking the foe to another tile and dealing additional damage equal to the distance knocked back.
Knockback +1 for each Tree Leg.

Damage: (4 to 7) + 1/2(Bonus Damage + Potency)


UI DiamondRed.png single action, ends turn


x damage, range 1.6 (Melee)
EquipmentIcon leaf.pngLeaf Stunt

<self> strikes with their tree arm, knocking the foe to another tile and dealing additional damage equal to the distance knocked back.
Knockback +1 for each Tree Leg.

Damage: (5 to 8) + (Bonus Damage + Potency)

UI DiamondRed.png single action, ends turn

Heavy Bash (both arms)

x damage, range 1.6 (Melee)
EquipmentIcon leaf.pngLeaf Stunt

<self> strikes with their tree arms, knocking the foe to another tile and dealing additional damage equal to the distance knocked back.
Knockback +1 for each Tree Leg.

Damage: (6 to 9) + 1/2(Bonus Damage + Potency)


UI DiamondRed.png single action, ends turn

Heavy Bash+ (both arms)

x damage, range 1.6 (Melee)
EquipmentIcon leaf.pngLeaf Stunt

<self> strikes with their tree arms, knocking the foe to another tile and dealing additional damage equal to the distance knocked back.
Knockback +1 for each Tree Leg.

Damage: (7 to 10) + (Bonus Damage + Potency)

Tree Leg (L)

<self>'s left leg is treeish.

-0.4 Speed
+0.6 Armor

Tree Leg (R)

<self>'s right leg is treeish.

-0.4 Speed
+0.6 Armor
