
From Wildermyth Wiki
Revision as of 15:04, 11 February 2022 by Braydon (talk | contribs) (Added tips section.)

Scorpioid is a theme that can be gained by a hero from the event The Merchant.

<self> has a wicked, segmented aspect.
A warrior with a scorpion tail.

Theme conflicts

A Scorpioid hero will not be eligible for any of these additional themes: Foxish, Skunkish, Ratlike

If a hero has any of these themes, it is not possible to also become Scorpioid: Foxish, Skunkish


The hero has a scorpion tail, which can be used to attack and poison enemies.

Scorpion Tail

<self> has a scorpion tail.
UI DiamondFilled.png single action


x damage, 2 pierce, range 3.6 (Melee)

<name> uses their tail to sting nearby enemies, applying poison on stunt.

Damage: (2 to 3) + 1/2(Bonus Damage + Potency)


  • Melee Attack
  • Range: 3.6 + Long Reach
  • Line attack, originating from the hero.
    • Area of effect length extends to maximum range.
  • Enemies do not benefit from cover bonuses from scenery
  • Cooldown: once per turn




  • A scorpion tail provides the longest range melee attack in the game. This is quite useful to Warriors and can allow Hunters with Thornfang to kill an additional enemy without needing to spend an action to reposition.
  • When a warrior uses a scorpion tail attack with Broadswipes the range of broadswipes will be equal to the range of the heroes primary attack, which is either their held weapon or an arm theme attack if no relevant weapon is held.
  • Broadswipes can hit an enemy hit directly by the tail attack if the tail attack hits multiple enemies.
  • For non-melee focused heroes a Foxish tail is generally preferable.