Status Effect

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Revision as of 22:58, 27 January 2022 by Green riding hood (talk | contribs)

Status Effects affect allies and enemies alike during combat alone. They can range from purely damaging down to immensely impede a heroes actions.

List of Effect

Status Effect Description
Blinded <name> will miss their next attack.
Deafened -2 Bonus Damage and Potency
Dominated On the enemy turn, this hero will move up to x tiles and attack an ally with a melee attack. Will not move through scenery. Adjacent allies can try to remove this effect.
Engaged <shortName> is engaged, and must attack {0}.
Hidden <shortName> cannot be seen by enemies.
Hobbled Speed temporarily reduced
Pinned <name> cannot move, and defenses are lowered.
Poisoned <name> is poisoned and takes damage every turn.
Stasis Cannot take any actions, cannot be targeted by foes. Stasis can be removed by an adjacent ally.
Stunned <shortName> is knocked off balance and won't take any actions for a turn.


Blinded Father Fungus
<name> will miss their next attack.


  • Cannot Stack

Abilities and Transformations

Name Description
Flare (Lamp Interfusion) Amplify the radiance of this light source to excruciating levels, blinding enemies. The flare counts as an attack for flanking if it hits.
Flashcone (Hunter Ability) Once per combat, the hero may throw a flashcone that blinds enemies in an area and deals damage to all affected creatures.
Blinding Attacks (Celestial) Starlight shines forth from <name>'s attacks. 25% chance for attacks to blind enemies.
Starswelter (Starheart) When Hero takes damage, he has a 30% chance to blind the attacker.



Deafened Heroes
-2 Bonus Damage and Potency


  • Deafened cannot be stacked
  • Shriek is an AoE ranged attack so multiple heroes can be targeted

Abilities and Transformations


Name Description
Shriek (Terrorbird Drauven) Deafens all enemies in a large cone, blocked by scenery in its path. (-2 Bonus Damage and Potency)


Dominated Hero
On the enemy turn, this hero will move up to x tiles and attack an ally with a melee attack. Will not move through scenery. Adjacent allies can try to remove this effect.


  • Engaged Heroes will only attack allies with melee attacks
  • Allies have the chance to cure Dominated Heroes, success increases by relationship rank
  • x tiles = heroes speed

Abilities and Transformations


Name Description
Dominate (Muse Thrixl) As a turn-ending action, Muse Dominates an enemy.
Dominating Grasp (Orchadist Thrixl) As a single action, grabs an enemy within 5 tiles of an interfused tree, pulling them in and Dominating them.


Engaged Enemy
<shortName> is engaged, and must attack {0}.


  • Only one enemy can be engaged at a time
  • Warrior needs to keep up line of sight with the target

Abilities and Transformations

Name Description
Engage (Warrior Ability) Hero engages a foe, forcing it to attack her. Hero must stay in range and maintain a clear line of sight. +1 armor per engaged foe.


Name Description
Morthagi Clamp (Batchby Morthagi) As a swift action, Batchby engages the target, forcing it to attack them.


Hidden Hero
<shortName> cannot be seen by enemies.


  • Grayplane stays up indefinitely for the duration of combat
  • If attacked or attacking then Grayplane will be cancelled

Abilities and Transformations

Name Description
Silkstep (Hunter Ability) Hunter enters Grayplane and ends their turn.
Flashcone (Hunter Ability) Once per combat, Hero throws a flashcone that blinds enemies, and deals x magic damage. If thrown at an ally, they will be hidden.
Gloamglow (Mothly) Once per combat, <self> and all adjacent allies enter grayplane


Name Description
Specterstep (Haunt Drauven) Every other turn, Haunt enters specterstep, causing the next attack against them to miss.
Search (All Enemies) Every hero in a 2 tile radius will lose their hidden effect.


Hobbled Enemy
Speed temporarily reduced


  • Hobbled can be stacked, increasing the duration
  • Each stack of Hobbled adds another -2 speed until 1 speed is reached

Abilities and Transformations

Name Description
Constrict (Textil Interfusion) A serpent of animated fabric wraps round an enemy, hobbling it and squeezing away its life.
Splinterblast Elementalist (Mystic Ability) +1 damage and apply 1 hobble.
Backslam (Warrior Ability)) Knock the target into another enemy to displace it, deal half damage (1/2 of Hero's Armor), and Hobble both enemies.
Crippling Strikes (Hunter Ability) Hero's attacks apply 2 Hobbled to the enemy.
Ice Shield (Off-Hand) -


Name Description
Gang Up (Horn Child Deepist) Flanking attacks hobble.
Unstoppable (Special Enemies) Cannot be pinned or hobbled.


Pinned Enemy
<name> cannot move, and defenses are lowered.


  • Pinned can be stacked
  • Pinned enemies can still attack

Abilities and Transformations

Name Description
Wild Grasp (Plant Interfusion) Send vines out to grab a foe and drag them to the specified tile, also pinning and dealing damage.
Shackle (Metal Interfusion) Warp metal into grasping appendages that pin a single enemy for two turns.
Sharktrap (Shards Interfusion) Lays a single trap on the floor occupying multiple tiles, and affects the first enemy to step into any of the tiles. The traps work the same as Hunter Jumpjaw traps, except that each tile is a separate trap that is triggered independently.
Arches (Mystic Ability) Summons a tree in specified area. Pinning enemies in range.
Jumpjaw (Hunter Ability) Twice per combat, as a swift action, Hero throws a Jumpjaw trap that will deal [2 + Potency] damage and pin the first enemy who walks near.
Zealous Leap+ (Warrior Ability) Cooldown reduced from once every other turn to once per turn. Clears pin on use.
Net (Off-Hand) Once per combat, hero hurls a throwing net. If it connects, it will pin the foe for two turns.


Name Description
Pinning Toxin (True Gorgon) As a swift action, attacks and pins the target in place.
Summon Seathings (Gorgon Seacaller) Spawns up to 6 Tentacles on corrupted tiles. Tentacles Grab a nearby target, dragging them to itself and pinning them. Disappears after using Grab.
Unstoppable (Special Enemies) Cannot be pinned or hobbled.


Poisoned Enemy
<name> is poisoned and takes damage every turn.


  • The amount of poison damage per turn can be stacked
  • Poison damage is treated as true damage and ignores armor
  • Poison lasts three turns, regardless of the unit
  • Turn counter is reset when more poison is added

Abilities and Transformations

Name Description
Poison Bomb (Hunter Ability) As an action, they can toss a flask of burning moss that applies Poison x to all units in a small area.
Skunk Spray (Skunkish) <name> sprays enemies in a direction with their skunk tail, applying x poison.Hero
Thorn Lash (Botanical) <name> lashes out with their left arm, dealing damage and applying poison in a line.
Sting (Scorpioid) <name> uses their tail to sting nearby enemies, applying poison on stunt.


Name Description
Toxic Spike (Scorier Thrixl) Scorier attacks their target, injecting them with Poison.
Dragonbreath (Drathix Thrixl) Breathes a cone of poison that is blocked by scenery in its path.
Dragonbreath (Dravonne Drauven) Breathes a cone of poison that is blocked by scenery in its path.


Stasis locked Hero
Cannot take any actions, cannot be targeted by foes. Stasis can be removed by an adjacent ally.


  • Allies can free a Stasis locked Hero, spending one action point
  • Invulnerable is added in addition to stasis. (This unit cannot be damaged)

Abilities and Transformations


Name Description
Dreamtrap (Thrixl Seeker) Seeker puts an adjacent enemy into a dreamlike state, applying Stasis.


Stunned Enemy
<shortName> is knocked off balance and won't take any actions for a turn.


  • Stunned can be stacked, each stack of Stunned adds another Turn to the duration

Abilities and Transformations

Name Description
Loredump (Interfusion) Overload an enemy's brain with knowledge, dealing damage and stunning them for 2 turns.
Stunning Barrage (Interfusion) Tools sharpen their heads and throw themselves into a horrific frenzy, rending and stunning targets in a nearby area.
Jump Jolt (Stormtouched) Lightning surges through up to two foes, dealing half damage to the second. Stuns on stunt.
Thunder Stomp (Stormtouched) Once per turn as a swift action, stomps the ground with a small chance to stun enemies within range. Chance increases with stunt chance.
